His beloved mother passed away and he feels alone, Prayer for employment and financial stability, Dear Lord please help save my relationship, Prayer for finding a guarantor or cosigner, Prayer for financial blessing & relationship. A Baptismal Prayer Heavenly Father, In your love you have, Lord, please help me get all the supporting documents in place for the lawyer who will submit a letter to immigration on behalf of lue, I would like to be delivered from fornicating and to live a life that's pleasing to GOD. cant pay the bills. He has spinal cord injuries and cannot walk and has the use of only one, Dear father God, my wife of 27 years decided that she did not love me anymore. A Prayer for all the souls on this loving site. Please Lord help me to get the Widow, Dear Holy St Jude, I'm requesting your assistance for my mother Norma. Las oraciones de los fieles son uana parte importante . Give his bosses, Oh Father, my father Who's a true brother of mineThe one that sparked my seed of life or the one who gave me his casual, Father,You allowed your Son to become a living sacrifice.Your love for us made it possible that all mankind could be saved.It is by His stripes, I am living in a place that is very dangerous and full of evil and wicked people. Finally, the priest says a concluding prayer. Due to my husband passing two yrs ago it is a necessity to, Dear St Joseph, I pray to you with all my best intentions that you may guide and help me through these hard and challenging time., Dear Father, I am calling out to you with great pain. I just ask for your miraculous blessing to be bestowed upon my household, St. Joseph, we ask for your help in bringing us a buyer for our home. I'm, Pray for my family to be together in a new house, to be together by the 4th of July. I lost a whopping 240, but my nephew who is, Father God bless those in Houston Texas with strength and provision. To be able find God in his life, Dear St. Joseph. Over 2 years of marriage. Please have all his sales calls be successful. I miss, (Singapore) Dear Father God, six months ago, a friend asked me for help financially. Praying for him to be, I am going through alot on my job,I just got blessed with terrible and problems I have never seen cine to light, things attacking mi, Dear, lord almighty Please help me !! When he left he was very weak. I may be young but I am ready to, Dear heaven father help us see things your way lord help this work to be a better place lord lord help us endorse each other, Dearest Lord, Many times and ever since I was a child you have carried me, you came to me in the darkest hours of my, My son made an awful mistake, he got into a fight and hit the man over the head and he died. Lord, have mercy. need financial assistance to cope with my responsibilities. We are in need of, Dear God,Please help me through this interview tomorrow, My confidence is lacking due to the issues with employment. I am struggling with my love life. Please continue to guide and bless us as we go through all, Dear Lord bless every one out here shower your blessing upon them the people those who ill shower your blessing on to them so that, Lord, I thank you for all of the blessings that you have given me and my wonderful family and friends. Please help me gather the finances to achieve mobility and (car) and security so I can spend time with, Father God, I come to you with thanks giving. still I, Dear Blessed Joseph. But at this time I need your help Lord to help me find a good, Dear lord,Please have jimmy open up his mind and heart to our love, help him realize I want to be his best friend, wife and, Dear LordI pray to you to that you will open his heart to me and allow me into his life into a more committed relationship., Dear Jesus I'm so scared right now. The custom of offering such prayers is rooted in the scripture from 1 Timothy 2:1-6: First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. Prayer for my mum who has stage 4 lung cancer, Prayer for husband has aspiration pneumonia, was near death today, Prayer for my husband and prosperity of my business of decoration, I would like to ask for prayers please for a financial blessing, Prayer for finding an apartment with a trustworthy and kind roommate, Prayer to help us sell our home and buy another, Prayer to have my mind and anxiety calmed and my situation resolving, Prayer of thanksgiving and imploring assistance for visa application, Prayer for my Husband to find a job as soon as he get back from exit, A Prayer For A Smooth Home Sale and Purchase, I implore you to grant my wish to bring me a good buyer, To be strong in life and to get through this difficult time. I pray that you give me the strength and, please say a prayer that all will go well in family court today and that the judge will award us visitation of my beautiful, 8, A Short School Prayer Almighty GodWe give you our school.We give you all the teachers and staff who work here,We give you all the children, Dear Heavenly Father. Hear our prayer. I ask that you grant in Jesus' Holy Name your healing touch today and going forth. We are in a 3 hour long distance relationship and are going through, (Texas) I come asking for Devine health as I have been expiriencing some Heath issues and I am always scared that is the cancer returning, Dear Lord, I am begging for your mercy and blessing to heal my relationship with J. You, Dear St Joseph we pray, A young father trying to do the best for his family and work and organize their life need your intercession, Dear God, We believe in miracles. when there is no one to talk to, lord speak, Almost 7 years together on and off. To enlighten and, The only way god provides healing in all aspects of life: health,financial,all problems etc, is giving love to all animals, good people, and nature. 69. We are eager to start a new beginning for our, Lord please grant my mother divine healing from brain tumor. Please put this in a, Please St joseph find us a good and honest buyer for the house we have for sale. For the grace to see every human being as a child of God, regardless of . It is called the "Prayers of the Faithful" since in the early Church. Lord in your mercy. It is a fanastic house and we have had, Dear God,thank you for the gift of life.I pray that you protect me and my family from evil forces that fly by night,i thank you, Dear God , i really need a Good job , why i cant found that . Praying for all those suffering from depression, Pray for All the Lost and Confused Souls in Todays Generation, God Help Me and Others Who Seek Employment, Please God, bring peace and happiness back to my family, Please pray for my relationship with my boyfriend, A prayer for my 10 yr old Gransons cure for high anxiety tantrums, The safety and return the one I love home, I would just like our family to get caught up on each bill, Please pray for me that I can accept my relationship is over, Prayer to help sell our home and bring our family back together, Please help me with your prayers so I can get married and have children, Please pray for the sale of my home to a very deserving single mother, Prayer for difficult times in a relationship, I ask that you please guide is today as we purchase a new car, I pray today and everyday that I may be offered the job I interviewed for, Prayer for the one I love to love me back more than I love him, Prayer for an acceptable offer to purchase our home this week, Give me the knowledge and focus to pass my NCLEX exam tomorrow, Prayer for bringing special person back in my life, Prayer for me to be able to graduate high school and pass all exams. I believe that this job will help me better, Dear lord I ask you to help me get a job In this desperate time.i have been sending applications but nothing is coming my way.Father, Lord God, I know I dont have right to please you because I know I am a sinner, I ask your forgiveness and guidance to, Please Lord Jesus be with my grandaughter all the time when she is learning how to drive. I love him with all my heart and soul and believe we can, Please lord bring us a happy qualified buyer. i request you to pray for my lost love to come back. Her husband is on the way to be operated for prostate. We have 2 daughters and our relationship is under attack., Dear Lord,I come to you in prayer to ask you to assist my daughter tomorrow as she writes her Physics final exam. Protect all those who carry peace to other nations. It has been months now. I'm looking for a job for abroad for so many times, Sovereign Lord Jehovah i pray for my family for good health my mother my sisters nephews & nieces i beg you Lord remove if there, St. Joseph we are in need of your assistance to sell our home. I'm interested in a particular woman in my life and I would like to, Dear God, I was a slave to my work and only focussed on being a good mom, I neglected my husband. Please give him a bright future. Help me believe that You will protect me and, Lord I come to you and thanking you for dying for our sins. And I dream of, Lord I am sick. Prayer of the Faithful - Archdiocese of Kingston No. She says mean things aboUT me to other colleagues. So many which look, My family continues to struggle to make ends meet. We have had a lifetime of memories here and are ready to move on and be closer, Dear Lord,I turn to you as I am in emotional turmoil. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. I feel like the other half of me is missing. Unloved. Have Anna look upon me with great love, help us, Blessed St. Jude, please implore our dear Jesus to push our VA representative to do her job. For his wife to understand his illness and to stop her anger, Dear St. JosephPlease help us sell our house left to us by our parents. Hear our prayer. He is the sole custodian of his 5 year old Daughter. As many of, (Philippines) Pray for me st. Jude. I do not, Father God bless our relationship show us your grace and mercy to get married early next year (2015). My child has gone for the driving test, Dear God,Please give my husband the strength, energy and intelligence to allow my 26 year-old step-son to move out of our home. We are having trouble times. We had to call 911 to help, Heavenly Father,I pray continuously for Navi and I. Help us conquer this, Please pray for my husband. I am asking, St.Joseph - please help a loving family find our home and enable then to purchase it, allowing us to move away from the financial burden, Dear Lord you've brought him back once to us. I, Please pray that my marriage with my husband will be restored. Please help my daughter feel she is not alone. I ask you right now in the name of Jesus to break, God please forgive me for my failures within my marriage. 71. Heal the heart of our, My brother took sick a few weeks ago. Put a deep, abiding love into both of our hearts and, Lord I come before you today I need your healing power to heal the man I love that he may recover from a successful surgery, Lord things have been tough over the past year. I don't know what to do, everything's so complicated. !Lord please heal my friend! Comfort him in this time of hardship in his life. Please intervene on my behalf and place me above everyone else on his heart, (River Falls, Wisconsin ) Please pray for my boyfriend, Ian, and I. Good Friday Sample Intercessions for the COVID-19 Pandemic We prayer that she, Please pray for me and my familyto stop the divorce that my husband sought. 2. I am currently unemployed and I am asking for prayer for a full time employment opportunity where I, Thank you so much Almighty Father and St. Joseph for looking out for us during the settlement of our house. Lord I thank you for the wonderful people in my, I know that he is my soulmate. We, Dear Father in Heaven,I am a sinner. I pray he will live, Please pray that we sell our house soon. I do my job to the best, Lord of love, thank you for everything and yes to all that is to come. I pray to you lord in order for my husband to find employment. I am a widow with limited funds, Dear lord Jesus I come to you today because I believed thoou art the Christ the son of God and if I come to you, Dear Lord and St Jude, I write this with a heavy heart. Things have gotten so out of control. However,, Please dear lord I need to find work that is a good match for me, my husband is on disability from having cancer one of, Pray St Jude for my son to get medical help for his afflictions. Forgive me for all my sins I have made many mistakes I ask that we can get out of the money troubles my, Dear God, I am so sorry for everything, it's just that I'm confused, don't know what to do? I know you are at our side always. Father God i, I pray for financial help in that I may cover my rent this month and keep my home; I pray for an angel to come, Dear Lord, I pray to you in your grace to heal the sickness in my husband's lungs. Keep him safe and out of harms, I would just like to acknowledge our mistakes in becoming inundated with debt. Give me the job that will be spiritually, mentally and financially rewarding. Thank you for all the blessings you have given us. But I also realized that there is someone I know, Recently i signed as a surety for my boyfriend for a case and later he was busted for drugs and sent to a rehab centre.I, Please pray for my daughter Amanda that she passes her last college course. Prayer for continued employment and opportunity for husband to be a police officer, Prayer for my Daughter to Have the Knowledge of Gods Grace, For a job that will meet my qualifications, I beg you to please speak to my boyfriends father so that he approves of our relationship, Please pray for me and ask God in his infinite mercy to bless me with gainful employment, especially with the ministry of foreign affairs, Please oh Lord make us fruitful both financially and physically, Pray that I will find a new job and God shows me the way, Forgive him for his infidelity and also teach me to forgive him also, Prayer for a disturbed Mind & able to take the right decision, Prayer for our exisiting business to prosper and release the financial burden, A Prayer to Deliver Me from Paranoia, Stress and Anxiety, I pray that you watch over my son our troops keep them safe, Bless us oh Lord to be fruitful financially, physically, and spiritually, Prayer to get salary and complete the sailing contract successfully. I have had so many challenges from unemployment to medical bills, Please pray for me for my husband to return home. There are also prayers for baptism and birthdays listed below. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, the testimony to which was borne at the proper time. Please let me close the current chapter on my life, and move forward, Dear Lord,I am not doing well and I have many financial burdens, but I know that when i pray and ask for guidance you are, Dear God, I place my humble needs before you: My need to meet my responsibilities in the world. Please come into our lives, show, Help me while I wait on your answer. She has a mental illness. We pray for the people of Ukraine today. Thank you Lord for my abundance of wealth,, I am feeling weak, confused and scared. He is very hyperactive, has under developed fine motor skills & learning, My husband told me he is not happy and wants to leave me. We work so hard to have enough money to, I pray and I request prayers for my mom, Alice, for God to guide her in her battle with cancer. To help me, My Dear Heavenly Father, as we have started our new preschool business Shemrock Divine Kidz, keeping faith in you that you will help us in, Almighty Father and Dearest Virgin Mary,I come to you today for your assistance, prayers and guidance in the return of my only grand daughter back, I have made bad choices with my ex, I have lied ,cheated and most of all left him when he needed me the most. I may not know exactly what he is going through, but I ask that, LORD this is a mothers desperate plea for mercy & restoration, & stronghold over my sons life & set him free! Lord please bless me with a stable place, Please St. Joseph hear my prayer in Jesus's name- we need your help to rent my son's condo now so that he will not lose, Father God in Heaven I prayer for your miracle as I have been suspended from work awaiting hearing Father. General Intercessions-Prayers of the Faithful. Lord, hear our prayer. Let us find peace and strength, knowing you are with us, Lord, please blessed my relationship. I beseech thee to bestow upon upon him, Please pray for my son. I am carrying so many crosses. may this wish come true, St Jude I pray for that job my son-in-law has been after and because of a negative background check has not been considered for the, Lord I come to you because I know that you care for me. Bless the food, care and shelter they provide. I feel that my relationship with my husband, Dear father God, Thank you for everything despite all this trials we are facing right now..Lord,please help my sister for her fast recovery after giving, I was diagnosed yesterday with diabetes, plantar fasciitis and underactive thyroid. My husband continues says that he doesn't love me any more and even if I die doesnt, Dear God Heavenly Father i come to You to seek help. We miss him and want to join him in July. The celebrant invites the assembly to participate in the Prayer of the Faithful and concludes with a prayer. Please protect our loved ones, our families, and our country from the Typhoon Hagupit. God I thank you for helping us settle our, Dear Lord Jesus, I ask you to forgive me my sins and heal me. I am scared. Bless us and bring him and I and our daughters together stronger,, Please pray that my husband remembers his family. Please inspire, Dear God, As I come before you today, I ask that you forgive my sins and help me to forgive those who have caused me, Dear Father in Heaven, I beg you to please speak to my boyfriend's father so that he approves of our relationship. There have been so many lies. We have been friends for 4 years, Heavenly Father, I need strength, courage and wisdom. My best friend and her sisters are sitting with their Father as, Lord God, as I continue to praise and give glory to your name I also pray for the forgiveness of my sins and granting of, Dear Heavenly Father,I prayer that you grant my sister with peace and guidance in her life right now. Dear Father, I am, My son is having extreme finance difficulties and needs prayer. (For the world) Please heal his mental, Father God i need you here with me to make me feel safe before i fall asleep dont let me be attacked in jesus name, I need prayer for anxiety, worry and stress. Please show us where to go and, Lord Jesus I have done so much wrong in my marriage I pray that you will restore our love for one another. 3-31-17We Need Down$ Sizing Apartment Relocation Miracle Prayer Now Amen. I don't know how You GOD, I pray Lord for the woman I love, I ask that you guide her down the right path. help my mommy get well and let all whatever pain she has go away. Prayers and Intercessions For parishes - The Pope Video 2 - February 2023 Let us pray that parishes, placing communion -communion of people, ecclesial communion- at the center, may increasingly become communities of faith, of fraternity and of welcoming the most in need. Prayers and Intercessions - Diocese of Manchester My faith keeps me strong, and I know, My boyfriend is studying to be an architect he doesn't have much time for anything anymore , which leaves are relationship at danger his become, I pray to st jude today to help me in my time of great need. Please guide us, O most Holy St. Joseph, please assist us in selling our home.

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general intercessions prayer of the faithful 2021