Thus, it can be used both as a launcher and a grounded combo part depending on input timing. Baiken has the ability to Hiiragi during your rekka pressure, although this is risky for the Baiken to do and she'll just blow up into a thousand pieces if you delay the rekka. On a ground hit, it combos directly into 2D for a hard knockdown or a follow-up combo. Links into 5K on normal hit, while on Counter Hit it links into itself, Night Raid Vortex or a Tiger KneeAn input method to perform a special move in the air as fast as possible after you leave the ground. However will usually just get him damage and, Faust offense isn't super scary from fullscreen unless he has a bajillion items and you keep allowing him to throw them. Mine's Chipp, high level Chipp players are a menace and they always troll me feelsbadman The fully extended kick is also quite fast at 4 frames, which combined with its tall hitbox and multiple cancel options results in a strong anti-air. . She wears black shoes with red soles, black gloves, a black mask with glowing green eyes and mouth, an ankh necklace, and a ball and chain attached to her leg. Roman Cancels allow this attack to continue into further pressure or convert into a combo without charging it. Data in [] represents values when fully charged. Axl's fastest Abare option is his 2K, which also has a generous low profile that can duck under Baiken's f.S, so keep a close eye on that move and pay attention to when and where they use that button. This opening is designed such that the attacker can easily counter the defender's attack with his own. I am not going to be able to explain it nearly as well as he does, so if you are interested in what I have done, please watch his talk. An honorable mention goes to Sepulturabeing the multi-purpose tool that it is also lends its use as a poke to pressure jumpers and beat out anyone trying to low profile your other options. Here's A Guilty Gear Strive Tier List You Can Refer To For The First 5[D] is also Sol's most damaging normal and launches the opponent if combo'd into, granting it some situational use as a combo extender in certain routes. Best Video Games of All Time - Page 70 - Metacritic . Kratos vs Sol Badguy (God of War vs Guilty Gear), connections in the comments . The aerial version can be delayed to halt Sol's momentum in the air, useful for baiting out an opponent's anti-air attempts, although it will lose to attacks with high vertical reach like Potemkin's Heat KnuckleGuard:Air Guard CrushStartup:12Recovery:18Advantage:+10~+3, Faust's 6PGuard:AllStartup:9Recovery:32Advantage:-21 or most rising DPs. Win rate. Hits slightly behind Sol, allowing it to be used for cross-ups. Every other poke is 40+. The two pro players agreed on having Sol Badguy as the best S-tier character, but Justin went on a tangent by saying that Ramlethal was next in line on his Guilty Gear Strive tier list. Counter Hit state during recovery until landing. Pay attention to this and be less committal with moves at higher Risc values. Baiken has powerful defensive abilities, mostly attributed to Hiiragi and her 5P. He is an aloof and brash bounty hunter of immense skill on a quest to find and eliminate all Gears and their creator, That Man.For a short time, Sol was also a member of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights during the Crusades, known as "Order-Sol".. Sol has an Awakened form, who is an unlockable boss character in Guilty . This move travels very far very quickly, ultimately giving it a niche as a full screen whiff punishing tool. If Baiken does somehow get in, she can win in a small amount of interactions which she can loop with mix. Recovery frames which happen under abnormal conditions, such as after landing. When he whiffs something like, Business as usual, watch out for Nago doing. If performed low enough to the ground on an airborne opponent near the corner, the Clean Hit version can link into 5K for a full combo, though this is only possible early on in a combo when scaling is low, and the link is tighter against heavier opponents. Arc System Works added Goldlewis Dickinson as the first DLC character in Guilty Gear Strive. Leo's tier match-ups in Guilty Gear Strive - EventHubs Sol Badguy vs. May - 18. On air hit, it floats the opponent for a reliable juggle. Playing neutral vs Nago will include a lot of dash blocking because dude loves to just swing that sword. Vote for tiers. Low profile sweep that beats or evades moves that don't cover the ground while being safe on block. Used to contest an opponent's air approach or to open up opponents with a fast overhead after doing a delayed air dash. Due to her poor anti-air game and amazing air game, air approaches are used to move around more freely and punish frugal usage of pokes and H Kabari. Jack-O's space control with minions can be difficult to maneuver around, but once Baiken gets in, it's over. Its +3 frame advantage, wealth of frame trap cancel options, low pushback and especially its significant R.I.S.C. Ram plays in about the same ranges and spaces Ky plays, but she does it better. Slower than 5P and 5K, but hits lower to the ground. - Difference between the tier scores from today and . Slight ground bounce on hit, hard knockdown upon landing. Data in [] represents values on Clean Hit. Enables a meaty Gun Flame setup if you delay the special cancel to avoid the OTG window, and leads into a full combo on Counter Hit. This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 20:20. Wanna see me combo into 5K on Counter Hit? Thanks to her high movement speed and large buttons, Ram is generally difficult to zone. It's best to avoid using moves like, Defending as Ram is pretty much as pain as if you were anyone else. Has much better range than the animation implies, enough to hit from round start. His best poke is 5P/2P at 31/34 frames. c.S has the most gatling and cancel options of all of Sol's normals, making it very flexible within both blockstrings and combos. They are still quite awful on whiff however, and proper baiting of moves like Nago's, Keep an eye on his blood! Links into c.S on Counter Hit for a decently powerful conversion. An easier MU for Ram due to the fact that her normals control a large chunk of space. Builds 1000 Tension once all damage is dealt. Dustloop focuses on the competitive elements of these games, and provides instructional content aimed at helping players improve. If Sol guardpoints through a strike, the opponent will be stuck in hitstop while Sol continues to move, making it next to impossible for them to escape if they're on the ground. This is also Sol's optimal corner combo ender after causing a Wall Stick thanks to its high damage, single hit nature. Alternatively, you can cancel into 6S for a frame trap, although 6S will lose to 3 frame attacks and trade with 4 frame attacks. The opponent is then forced to block your jumping attack, since reversaling doesn't work, which will give you some nice pressure and hopefully an opening. This forces you to either find your opponents habits or keep your pressure very tight, leaving little gaps. It is integral to watch for Chaos' bullet amount and concentration, as they are extremely important to his gameplan. A vital part of Sol's mix-up game as the fear of being hit by this move will incentivize the opponent to either jump or mash out of pressure, allowing Sol to fish for Counter Hits and anti-airs. Ideal combo ender and potential extender. The recovery of an attack refers to the amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action. Matchups | RATING UPDATE His pokes are good on block but have enough recovery that one whiff is usually enough to close the gap. He doodled me and a friend as if we were Sol and Ky from Guilty Gear Strive. If Sol needs to keep his opponent blocking after c.S, an immediate f.S will usually reach even against Instant Faultless Defense. H KabariGuard:AllStartup:18Recovery:19Advantage:-3. Zato-1 - 4.7. You're gonna be guessing a lot since as Nago makes you block a normal, he can always just special cancel and decide to either be safe or plus. Arc System Work's Guilty Gear Strive released this past June, and while players are still learning the plenty of nuanced mechanics the game offers, certain characters are already rising above the rest.. It is also planned for release on Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S on March 7, 2023. Sol has some of the strongest defensive tools in the game. 2S is also still useful. What are the worst matchups in Strive at the moment? Can be used when fighting extremely distant and defensive opponents to build Tension, though the amount built is too small to mean much unless it's spammed multiple times. Sol does a crouching kick, which is his fastest low. Your goal is to attack extremely close to when you land so that, if the character performs an invincible reversal attack, you will land and be able to block. Tools like these provide him with a strong neutral presence. This can be combined with dash momentum to cover large distances extremely quickly. this move removes on hit. Simple to frame trap with as c.S can late cancel into f.S for one gap in blockstun, then f.S can late cancel into 5H for another gap. GGST - Zato-1 Matchups - Dustloop Wiki Kratos vs Sol Badguy (God of War vs Guilty Gear), connections in the Has the longest horizontal range amongst all his normals, very fast start-up, and high damage but also has poor vertical range, long recovery on whiff, is very unsafe on block, and cannot be special canceled. Overall much harder than your usual Ram matchup, but not unwinnable by any means. Sol Badguy - 4.8. Giovanna is the game's easiest rushdown character to use, even for Guilty Gear . Guilty Gear -Strive-. It doesn't matter if she bodies all the lower tiers if she loses to the top tiers. Hits overhead, but is very reactable. Hits twice. 21 sec 18-May-2022 I literally can't even play the game against Chipp. Axl has lackluster pressure scenarios, but they are very well at avoiding Hiiragi, as they will be spaced too far out to recieve the damage. Level increase make it an excellent stagger option, forcing the defender to use Faultless Defense to push Sol away, making them more vulnerable to throws and pressure resets in turn. Gun Flame is plus on block if it hits meaty or at a range, making it a strong pressure and okizeme tool. This move mostly gets used as a combo part after c.S since it launches the opponent high for easy follow-ups with Bandit Revolver or a knockdown with Bandit Bringer, and occasionally as a big anti-air against characters that can stall their fall like Zato with Flight. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. As for pressure, Ky's DP (Vapor Thrust), though it exists, is not amazing, and not particularly difficult for Ram to deal with, and Ky's pressure is not too scary, especially if Ram has meter. Keep in mind that while this Overdrive cannot be blocked, it also cannot be canceled into or used during a combo. 28. He also really doesn't do enough damage to punish ram when he does actually win neutral. He doesn't do great in average win chance, but because he does so well against Sol (according to the data) and goes even against Chipp, he moves up a bit. While the round start can feel Baiken favored, you can bait out her Far Slash and play around her 2H. Ramlethal's Guilty Gear Strive tier match ups. Maybe it's cause of May's fast jump arc? Axl just doesn't get as much leeway in neutral because the range she can start threatening him is much larger than most other characters. This is a Guilty Gear STRIVE I-no Matchup Tier List - YouTube Her normals might look like they aren't very contestable but you can very much run up and premptively 6P them to stop her. You don't really wanna go for a f.S or 5H super often from a mid range since Baiken can run up and punish with her own f.S which is decently disjointed. Strategy. An attack during the opponent's pressure, intended to interrupt it. Will lose to any attack before the super freeze but will not waste any Tension in doing so. It's a better idea to play more passive and to let her come to you, forcing her to commit to something you can punish. Due to it being a projectile, you can't do anything about it. ShitsuGuard:AllStartup:29Recovery:Total 52Advantage:-6 on a Hard Knockdown has amazing utility for Anji as it avoids risking a Meaty attack getting parried while enforcing a Strike-Throw scenario or a High-Low with Fuujin. This is the top 1000 but multiplied out by popularity. This is a very small sample size, so should be taken with a big spoon of salt. Nago's neutral is completely dictated by how much blood he has. Good for frame traps as most light normals can cancel into it and immediate cancels leave a very small gap in blockstun. Guilty Gear Strive: Goldlewis Dickinson Guide It is also possible to perform a Red Roman Cancel to convert into a full combo before the opponent hits the ground, usually by shifting it downward and dashing in with c.S. Has four active windows, but only hits once. Leo's Guilty Gear Strive tier match ups. She does have, Ram on offense is usually business as usual. But some people in support of -STRIVE-welcomed lowered difficulty barrier for newbies (in the series . On Counter Hit, confirming to Bandit Revolver will allow Sol to link to 5K for a follow-up combo. If you land 6S on the first active frame, the remaining duration is the same whether you cancel into Gun Flame (Feint) or not, so doing so allows you to build more Tension and pull your hurtbox back, rendering the move more difficult to punish in neutral. In the corner, you can also link into dash 5K for big meterless damage. Be wary of using H Kabari in neutral too frugally as Anji can abuse the Autoguard to bypass the move and start his offense. Situational whiff punish at best, funny "why not" move at worst. May's tier match-ups in Guilty Gear Strive - EventHubs Sometimes you can CH the delay as she's right in front of you or you may both may trade. While he does do an obscene amount of damage off the right hits, and while he can call her out in neutral, Ram generally has the upper hand. Roman Canceling this move retains Sol's upward momentum unless the Roman Cancel is shifted in any direction. Trying doing a grounded approach via dash blocking to get in because he has very solid reward off of his anti airs. 5P, 6K, and 2S are large anti-air moves that control the airspace very well. When you manage to catch her, it's likely that she will attempt to jump out of your pressure, as Millia's jump is fast and high, so plan your pressure accordingly. If Chaos uses Concentration or Reload, you can attack with 623P, 214P, or j.214S at short to mid range. I "modernized" the Blinkitys version to be more accessible. We'll take our She def needs buffs now. Ram easily out ranges Jack-O, push her to the corner and kill her, she can't easily escape. Laskeese 2 yr. ago. I think that's why he is so high though, because he goes evenly, playing him essentially becomes "safe" in that you are rarely going to have a bad matchup, thus leading him to have a high play percentage. by 25% before applying R.I.S.C. In exchange, the reward for doing so is greatly diminished, as the only follow-ups mid-screen are Volcanic Viper or Bandit Revolver. 12k matches is a lot, and 100 matches PER MU is not bad. For example, conditioning the opponent to jump, attack, or backdash upon seeing certain attacks opens up opportunities to punish these responses. Has high damage and incredible disjointed range, albeit with somewhat slow start-up. This is because she loses to Sol and Chipp, two of the best characters in the game. Press J to jump to the feed. Standard strike throw stuff needs to be thought of here. Can be Roman Canceled on hit for decent damage and better okizeme. A lunging gut punch. Just be mindful that Chipp has. Her j.S can be a pain to deal with due to how it goes at a unconventional angle and due to Ram's 6P being more horizontal than vertical, it can be hard to AA. High-level replays may also be found in-game (Main Menu > Collection > Replay > Search). Hard knockdown on ground hit or Counter Hit. The M&M&C will kick out Axls and Goldlewis can have a better route to top. Luckily for you, Ram has an annoying combo and great ways to get in. You can hit Eddie with Mortobato to extend it's active frames which can catch unsuspecting Zato's by surprise when they try to get in after seeing the effect fade. Brings Sol close while being plus on block, making it a powerful pressure tool which can also build the opponent's R.I.S.C Level very quickly and very easily. Corner pressure is especially effective because of his poor mobility and lack of forward/air dashes to get out of sword pressure. Leads into Bandit Revolver on hit from just about any range aside from the very tip (in which case the second hit can still be used to take a knockdown), which can then be Red Roman Canceled for more damage. Ground bounces on hit, hard knockdown upon landing. Pot's worst matchups are almost certainly Zato-1 and Axl. Please take my money Tattie!!!!! Fighting game Guilty Gear Strive will join Game Pass next week, and will be playable on console and PC. If they attempt to take their turn back with 2K, this can leave them open to Hiiragi for large damage and continued pressure. He's also armed with powerful mid-ranged tools such as 6S, a sizeable poke, and Gun Flame, a mid-ranged projectile that is plus on block if it hits meaty or at max range. They have some good and bad matchups, but can be very effective in the right hands. Exceptional close range offense with plus on block standing Slash normals and highly damaging Counter Hit confirms. Sol Badguy vs. Ramlethal - 18. Grapplers vs normal people. In the corner, look out for his tick throws when he utilizes, There is something unique Faust can do on defense, to deal with Ram pressure, he can crawl under. Pre-emptively filling space to stop dashes is something Ram will have to do quite frequently but has to be done with low recovery moves or else ram will be whiff punished, Saving your swords in neutral will make it easier for Ram to catch Gio's movement, Ram should try to not whiff her long range normals as it makes it easier for Gio to close the gap. Combos into 2D for a hard knockdown. This opening is designed such that the attacker can easily counter the defender's attack with his own.s, and Kabari at longer ranges. Either way, the opponent will be pushed away. It can also be kara canceled from 6S for another range increase. The opposite of hoping your main will be buffed, ________ thinking. As more players learn the matchup and more characters get . A special type of blocking done by inputting a block immediately before blocking an attack. * Proration: Forced 75%. Since Hiiragi can punish a lot of her blockstrings, threaten it and force them to structure their offense differently. Low ProfileWhen a character's hurtbox is entirely beneath an opponent's attack. First hit launches the opponent, second hit knocks them away, hard knockdown upon landing. Sol's strongest meterless ender for Wall Break. Furthermore, 6P special cancels on block which will let you start running your pressure. GGST - Ramlethal Valentine Matchups - Dustloop Wiki Use it after an empty jump to catch opponents expecting an overhead or in c.S or f.S pressure to represent the threat of a low that is difficult to challenge while you're at frame advantage. Tier lists in fighting games are fickle, a single balance change can make you throw the whole thing out the window and you also have to take into account player skill, as more often than not . Day diff. This page was last edited on 28 January 2023, at 04:05. 6P the dolphin so you can use rekkas to get your hard knockdown. To challenge these normals, Ky pretty much has to commit to. Giovanna: Although she's a rushdown character, she feels less threatening than other rushdowns. Causes floating crumple on ground hit, delaying a follow-up will force stand. Includes first active frame. Bridget. Thus, it is a very committal attack that should only be used in situations where you know it will hit. The Gear Hunters Saga), ambientada en Washington, y que presenta su confrontacin final con That Man, Asuka R. Kreutz. The opponent can also opt to use Faultless Defense to push themselves further away on block, making it harder for Sol to continue pressure safely. A window in which to cancel a move. Useful for mashing without releasing the input for crouch blocking. Hits twice. 26. Guilty Gear Strive is the latest entry into a more than two-decade old franchise, . Almost always abbreviated to TK. In the corner or on Counter Hit against an airborne opponent, following up 6P with the first hit of Bandit Revolver can link into 5K for a full combo. Avoid using the follow-up if the initial attack Wall Sticks so that the wall can be broken by a stronger ender like 5H, 6H, Fafnir, or Tyrant Rave. The two I found were Chipp against Pot and Pot against Doctor Who. Zato players like to sneak in his command throw but learn to recognize the situations they do it and be ready to beat him up for 90%. Justin Wong: 'Ramlethal is S-tier in Guilty Gear Strive' - ONE Esports Edit:I forgot to mention. Sol Badguy's Guilty Gear Strive tier match ups. Baiken presents threatening abilities to counteract her own playstyle. Occurs after Startup. You can pretty much do what you usually do on offense, except you'll need to watch out for his crawl shenanigans. Going to ignore the Chipp matchup for the time being, apologies in Overview. High damage off almost every hit, as well as an endorphin rush with Clean Hit Volcanic Viper. Loss, similar to regular strikes. This is interesting but definitely but for some chars like Axl are a gigantic knowledge test as opposed to a horrendous MU. Can also be kara canceled into from 6S to move Sol forward before launching the projectile. Testie has a deceptively good j.H jump in that Ram needs to keep an eye out for. Your goal is to attack extremely close to when you land so that, if the character performs an invincible reversal attack, you will land and be able to block. Test 6P is juiced so if Ram gets 6P happy just slap them. SOL BADGUY Guilty Gear STRIVE Overview Guide - YouTube Be sure to check the stickied FAQ before posting. After spending a considerable time with Testament, I'm finally ready to share with you my matchup chart for them in Guilty Gear Strive! GGST - Baiken Matchups - Dustloop Wiki Sol releases a pillar of flame that slowly crawls along the ground. Be careful when throwing out this move in neutral, as its range is quite poor. One of Baiken's most annoying tools on block is Kabari, due to how she's built around R.P.S (rock, paper, scissors), she has a stupid amount of gaps that you can get caught by, here's some things you can try doing S Kabari will allow her to get tether after it lands, this is still RPS however. Ramlethal's tier match-ups in Guilty Gear Strive - EventHubs When a character's hurtbox is entirely beneath an opponent's attack. Lastly, his 6P is a fast and reliable tool for anti-airing and counter poking. On hit, it knocks opponents back in a bizarre-looking ground bounce that can combo directly into Night Raid Vortex. That means that a person that is willing to fight a certain match up does that knowingly. As said earlier, you don't really wanna RPS with Goldlewis. Battle Version 2.04#ggst #strive #guiltygear #guiltygearstrive #matchups #ggst_br #ggst_so Sol launches significantly higher than Volcanic Viper, making him very punishable on whiff or ground block. Be ready to jump! If the first hit of a combo, applies an additional +20. Baiken's amazing normals control space very well, so moves like f.s and 2S end up being primary pokes in neutral as there isn't much she can do to contest them herself. Axl's fastest Abare option is his 2K, which also has a generous low profile that can duck under Baiken's f.S, so keep a close eye on that move and pay attention to when and where they use that button. However, the short range of the first hit, the high knockback of the second, and the forced Wall Break in the corner makes this difficult mid-screen and impossible in the corner. He is playing guilty gear and the other characters are playing strive. Patient play is key, as Anji has the ability to turn any action around on Baiken if he detects sloppy play. While Gold 6P is wack, if he hits it and cancels it into a Behemoth Typhoon, the Ram is really gonna feel that pain. A Roman Canceled Volcanic Viper can lead into similar damage and okizeme while being safer and leading into a potential mix-up, so consider doing that instead. With ferocious pressure, strong defense, versatile special moves and explosive power, this badass bounty hunter is armed with everything an offensively oriented player could ask for. Guilty Gear Strive Matchup ChartGuilty Gear -Strive-Main Page; Frame GGST - Sol Badguy Overview - Dustloop Wiki It can also be used to guarantee plus frames after a blocked j.S, but the pushback will weaken Sol's pressure afterwards. Also keep in mind that Baiken can also use Hiiragi right after H Kabari to punish a mash. If you're concerned about which BTs do what frame data wise, you can check out, Though Ram has really good, rewarding buttons, good lows, good antiairs, and strong reward all around, with pressure that can be very difficult to beat for I-No, Ram can't cover hoverdash, The Ram player should not give the Jack-O space to summon minions with, Pay attention to Jack-O's minion Gauge, it limits what she can do, Ram can always special cancel or gatling after clearing a minion, Don't let the Jack-O player throw a minion behind you, you can't clear it if it is, run or jump at her after, When FDing Jack-O, FD her normals, not her minions to space her out.

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guilty gear strive sol matchups