Fortunately there is a much much better tool out there (and it is for free): Grafana. I chose docker/influxdb. This is a lot more tables compared to 1.xx queries, where you essentially had one table per unit_of_measurement across all entities. I've got a PC where I have multiple VMs for some other stuff and have decided to put HA in a VM there. I want to prevent losing any of my existing data and dashboards and want to have a seamless transition to the new version. Now we have to use the Flux query language which expects us to type things in. The list of domains to be excluded from recording to InfluxDB. I also included my phones battery and my printer ink status for fun and added some stats for my Adguard network wide ad blocker. Trying to show the volume of my Sonos using singlestat and its working. Thanks for the heads up about Glances. You need to do the following steps in order to get this working: Click on "OPEN WEB UI" to open the admin web-interface provided by this add-on. Will check out your links, thanks! Home Assistant basics Read more, Home Assistant is maybe the best open smart home controller out there but if you are new to it some of the terms can be a bit confusing. How do you handle this? If omitted, then a filter of limit(n: 1) will be added to the end instead to restrict to one result per table. What version are you looking to upgrade to? Make sure you are running the latest version of Home Assistant before reporting an issue. The bad news is thats not on the official Home Assistant repo yet. Optional path of a CA certificate to be used during SSL verification. I had to chown it with 472:472. Im absolutely successful at seeing numeric values, but entities that will hold text (e.g. With that HomeAssistant configuration should be finished. First, lets query InfuxDB and look at all the different sensor data it is storing. Measurement name to use instead of measurement_attr or default measurement. It wont take you long before your Home Assistant database sizes are in gigabytes, and your home automation starts to slow down because of it. Here we can see how the graph is defined. Click the "Add Folder" button and choose the location on your host filesystem, where Grafana will be storing its persistent data. great guides! Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Lets drag-and-drop a new Graph. To keep things tidy, Im going to create a new file in the config folder called influxdb.yaml that will hold all of the config for InfluxDB. Grafana InfluxDB. Your query only deletes measurements, it does not return any. If you're asking about Grafana, I'm a bit of a statistics junkie so I like to visualize things over time. You also can not dynamically change the timeframe. I set this up myself a few months ago, but found limited use. Yes, I saw the repo for connection pool increase. Im actually testing it out for a few weeks now, almost ready for release I think. Organization is a logical unit, mostly useful if you have a valid reason for strict separation of databases (like a service provider with multiple customers). FYI Influx is not generally used as a replacement for the main database but as a supplement. -p 3003:3003 For example, in InfluxDB Cloud it looks like this:{OrganizationID}. [emailprotected]:~#. Best to check the readme on the Github repo, but this should work for you now. Now lets go to the Coloring column and in the Thresholds type in 10,25. 1.xx only - The username of the database user. Node-RED is a flow-based development tool for visual programming which can be added to home assistant as a integration / add-on. Privacy Policy. Well be presented with the InfluxDB Web Interface. Click on "Environment" tab. Grafana is connecting to the DB without any issue influxdb: At the top of the page are some icons for types of things you can add to your dashboard. Btw there is one bug in Grafana which the team is pushing on InfluxDB about displaying no graphs for a queried time range if there was no value written to the DB. 2018-06-17 21:10:03 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [homeassistant.components.influxdb] Database host is not accessible due to HTTPConnectionPool(host=, port=8086): Max retries exceeded with url: /query?q=SHOW+SERIES+LIMIT+1%3B&db=home_assistant (Caused by NewConnectionError(: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused,)), please check your entries in the configuration file (host, port, etc.) In "InfluxDB Details" section under "Organization" enter the one you defined in InfluxDB. I also used the measurement_attr setting to make sure that the (unique) entity id is used as a name for the data in InfluxDB. I can however get to the web UI for inlfuxdb. This makes it excellent at storing our sensor data from Home Assistant, because naturally all our sensor data is associated with time of measurement. That is to be expected. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Not sure if it will help, but you never know. The edge tag will always have the latest and greatest that I have upgraded it to. If you do, then click on the "Submit" button on the extreme right side of the screen. Thank you! Ill probably add those back just to keep last few days of data as fallback but good to know InfluxDB is not dependent on it. Lowers and rises blinds in bedroom automatically, when I turn lights on or off after dark, Turns on red Hue bulb outside of my study, when I'm on a WebEx call. 2018-01-24 15:01:10,654 INFO spawned: grafana with pid 1631 This will store all data points in a single measurement. If you are operating on data created by the InfluxDB history component, this means by default, you will have a table for each entity and each attribute of each entity (other then unit_of_measurement and any others you promoted to tags). The group function to be used. The second part is the interface. I managed to install and configure Grafana and influx db have added the influxdb line in HA but im not getting any graf data. If you followed my Docker instructions, youll find it running on port 3004, otherwise it uses port 8086 for non-docker installations. and our Basically if you have sensors who only occasionally update your graphs might be empty because Grafana is not able to just display the latest value. Anything else will be green, and you can customise the colours if you wish. It works! For example a query on a % battery for sensor.multi_sensor_battery_level: Everything else can be queried using the entity_id as its measurement name. I've been wanting to do more than the basic graphs and I appreciate the step-by-step. This is where I leave you. Im using localhost because my Home Assistant Docker container is running on the same machine. On the next screen choose the "InfluxDB" from the list of databases. Open HomeAssistant "configuration.yaml" file. Ever feel restricted by the Home Assistant UI on how it shows data over a long time? This can take on boolean values false or true. In my case I've got several temperature sensors setup in HomeAssistant. Another option to display data is Singlestat. Im curious, how are you using this? P.S. thank you. Hi, Awsome article! But I think it has nothing to do with your code.Im sorry about that Youll need the IP address/hostname and port of your InfluxDB instance. Execute the query: SHOW TAG VALUES ON "homeassistant" WITH KEY = "entity_id" and create a dashboard of if. Ive just found this thread and was happy, because it could solve an issue Im currently facing, but I stumbled upon something. If you get a green check-mark, you did good. If data is showing up than your Home Assistant and InfluxDB configuration is working. This is a great way to keep your Home Assistant automations clean and tidy, by letting a reporting system take care of alerting you to a less critical problem. Going to do this during the upcoming weekend. No, there is no way to get this on Hassbian, add-ons are a Hassio feature. port: 8086 The most important job of a smart home system is to automatically control your devices, to help and support you. is there a way to have some form of binary value for sonos if it is playing or not, my use case: we have sonos multi room audio and i want to find a way of having just a easy to see playing/not playing on my smart home dashboard. Go to the "Image" section of Docker app and double-click the downloaded image to start the Docker deployment. If it doesnt use home-assistant_v2.db, can logbook: and history: be removed from configuration.yaml or is there some dependency? Ive tried a few variants of this, including changing the time range or removing it entirely. Visualizing that data can help you see long term trends in how your smart home is used. Or how often your Rain Bird watering system should water your garden, based on how quickly the moisture in the soil dries out. So, from my Google research it looks like you have to set the connection pool when connecting to InfluxDB. Finally under the Value column, set the Postfix to % and the Unit to Percent (0-100). SQL vs NoSQL Explained. Thanks! Well, thankfully there's a trick that we can use. Anyone has a query to delete any/all data and entity itself from influx? The database must already exist. What can we do with it? Click the Edit button to open the graph editor at the bottom of the screen. If I do show databases, I have the following message . In this case this is /var/lib/influxdb2 Click on the "Port Settings" tab. Access from outside will not be possible. Im assuming youre using Docker. Genius, thanks a lot. In most cases you can leave the default query as is and just select the entity you are looking for in the FROM part. Home Assistant comes with a few options, but today were going to setup Grafana, which is a free and open source graphing dashboard that looks beautiful. This sets the default bucket for sensors, individual sensors can also read from a different bucket. Under the General tab, lets change the Panel Title to Temperatures. I certainly had to piecemeal things from a whole bunch of sources. Several other more or less random things :-). Here's an example: Also you can add this sensor to home assistant to see the size of your database and if it is growing: - platform: influxdb host: a0d7b954-influxdb port: 8086 username: homeassistant password: !secret influxdb_pssword queries: - name . We tend to think of this data as sensor readings. This is a basic way to look at the data captured by Home Assistant. I mostly use InfluxDB own dashboards, they're enough for me, to be honest, I haven't seen the advantage of having Grafana querying it's data yet. I set up InfluxDB and Grafana with my Home Assistant installation and will show you how to do this in no time in this blog post. # The InfluxDB organisation that the bucket will belong to. The database must already exist. Well first need to setup a database in InfluxDB. unit_of_measurement: '%' By default, no entity will be excluded. You should be able to edit it from the host. The list of entity ids to be excluded from recording to InfluxDB. This will help to keep the config file clean, and means the integration config can easily be removed if required. 2.xx only - Auth token with READ access to your chosen Organization and Bucket. In this blog post I'll elaborate how I managed to get long term data history for my home assistant setup with InfluxDB. Sets the default database for sensors, individual sensors can also read from a different database. Like before, set your timezone. Choose your favorite one and we can query for the data stored for that measurement. I am using this experience to work on the Home Assistant project by giving back my knowledge and time to the open source community. I select that and a new "Filter" frame opens. So at this point Im expecting youve got InfluxDB and Grafana installed and up-and-running. mount type=bind,source=/volume1/docker/influxdb,target=/var/lib/influxdb Next, you can delete unwanted entities completely: Exclude the entity from being written to the InfluxDB again. currently i cant find any stats for my sonos speakers on grafana even though all 12 are in home assistant, but other devices like lightbulbs show up fine. port: 3004. Grafana "Local Port" defaults to 3000. Can you tell me how to update influx and grafana? InfluxDB is working fine! Created dashboards are not stored persistently. We could adjust our GROUP BY interval higher, to something like an hour which might solve that. Hass features an energy dashboard in which energy generation, storage and usage data can be combined in a dashboard giving a total overview of energy flow. The host IP is the IP of the running InfluxDB container. I do this so I can first run it to ensure everything still works, before pushing it to the main latest tag when I get time. We will create a test panel. Section 4 - Configure HomeAssistant to write data to InfluxDB. Whats the average temperature inside during the summer months, compared to winter? Great tutorials! You now have a new databases and a user that can read and write to it. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Once you are done with that you can create a new dashboard and start adding panels with data visualizations. It means that when you want to ignore, for example, the icon_str attribute that shows in your InfluxDB instance, you need to provide icon to ignore_attributes. Yeah so you should be able to SSH in on port 22022 to update anything you want. You could of course install Influxdata software yourself, but that is out of scope for this topic, Really cool addon thanks. I've got several Aeotec 6 sensors to monitor environment. To limit which entities are being exposed to InfluxDB, you can use the include and exclude parameters. Ive been pointed in the direction of a bug within Chronograf. You can change the IP address to the IP address where your InfluxDB install is running if needed. You should see a token for your username already created. Click on the "Generate Token" menu and select the "Read/Write Token" option. These are great tools to see what the state of something was at a certain point in time, or what time an automation executed. To do it via ssh [emailprotected] -p 22022 and then to edit the file doesnt work for me anymore. -host and -port options can be omitted if command is run on local InfluxDB host. Enjoy your add-on, while I enjoy the brain juice. 2.xx - Defaults to true for 2.xx, otherwise false. Ive tried it with port commented out also. 1.xx only - Verify SSL certificate for HTTPS request. Questions? The user needs read/write privileges on the database. value_template: '{% if states.zwave.fibaro_system_fgms001zw5_motion_sensor %} In my case normal load CPU load is about 20%, with glances running it nearly doubled. Each sensors state is set by configuring an InfluxQL query. Edit: This post is aimed at influxdb1, since influxdb2 got released the bigger part of this post got obsolete. Your Grafana instance is now configured to retrieve and display data from InfluxDB. This is the challenging part. When searching for the problem I noticed that $__interval variable was introduced in Grafana in version 4.2. Administrative Assistant / Data Entry Clerk - Become a Focus Group Panelist now - Remote Part Time or Full Time Work At Home Position. Once selected, change the SELECT field(value) so it reads field(battery_level). MySQL. You should only file an issue if you found a bug. 2018-06-18 14:38:55 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.components.influxdb] Database host is not accessible due to HTTPConnectionPool(host=, port=8086): Max retries exceeded with url: /query?q=SHOW+SERIES+LIMIT+1%3B&db=home_assistant (Caused by NewConnectionError(: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] No route to host,)), please check your entries in the configuration file (host, port, etc.) {% else %} Add your timezone in the environment variables, so that you'll have proper timestamps in your database entries. For example, Im querying below for all the mph measurements (which were created using Dark Sky). Retrying again in 60 seconds. Once the data is stored in the database you can analyze it for trends, create graphs and use the data in other applications. You should only file an issue if you found a bug. Thats very annoying (and another reason for me not to upgrade DSM). Configure which integrations should be included in recordings to InfluxDB. This space is exported using snapshots as well. Something like. In my case it's HomeAssistant. On the new page you should see your bucket name in the lower left section of the screen in the "From" frame. Click on the "Volume" tab. Just remember that youll only be able to report on values with numbers. One or more flux filters used to get to the data you want. : homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant, "http://localhost:8086/query?q=show+databases", "http://localhost:8086/query?pretty=true", The first service mentioned is the Home Assistant service. -p 3004:8083 You will need to construct your queries in this language in sensors for 2.xx installations, it looks like this: Use HTTPS instead of HTTP to connect. battery_entry_sensor: Are we cooling/warming the house too much? Maybe Home Assistant only reads the temperature outside once an hour from Dark Sky. Im a total dunce when it comes to CLI commands! Exactly, warning not error. Hmm to be honest I havent taken much thought about that, as the data is housed on my NAS (where I dont really care too much about storage limits for now). Otherwise I love dockers. You'll be greeted with a welcome page, click the "Get Started" button. Todays article looks at a time series database called InfuxDB that Home Assistant can use to store all your sensor data in a database.

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