The characteristics of each partner seep into you. So, many individuals are suffering from its influence not just you. A young girl came for a reading and I commented that Neptune crossing her Venus was favorable for cosmetic surgery to change her energies. Also check what house Neptune rules in the Neptune person's chart. Since it transits the Zodiac this slowly, people born within a period of a few years . Give it away now. Ive played both. The fog made it impossible! During this trip, I felt totally connected for 24/7 and it was a positive, reassuring, supporting connection. Probably with a Neptune ruling H 7 or Vertex or Sedna there one has to be doubly vigilant? Transit Neptune conjunct Ascendant<br> (like Christina Aguilera) Avoid food in the nightshade family. There is the tendency to idealize people, especially lovers, and to blind yourself to the truth about their failures. Brainstorm: Uranus/Neptune Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between Uranus and Neptune. NOTE: I consider the hard aspects to be the Conjunction, Square, Opposition, Parallel and Contra-Parallel. I have always read with some wonder as people complain about Saturn. This offering of our trust to the universe brings peace to our hearts, and is one of Neptunes greatest gifts. Although she spoke no English, she found employment with a family who greatly abused her and her ignorance of the language. All her friends could perceive, and all she herself had perceived until now, was a failure, a love affair that didnt work out. OBSERVATIONS FROM LYNN: Sometimes, Neptune transits to personal planets can affect the health of people around us, which impacts us. Until then, she was not conscious of this pattern, even feeling guilty that this cycle denied her a connection with a best friend. In the Aquarian cycle, she connected with groups, the energy is more circular, a sense of community, some depth and supportiveness, less centralized and more diffused. The Empath those who have at the core of their nature the innate ability to receive energy, information, awareness from others. Your partner dulls your senses and puts you to sleep. Eclipse Aspects to Natal Planets: The Narrative of Change You can understand deeper aspects of your relationships, as well as be more compassionate to others shortcomings and help them. Rudhyar calls Neptune a planet of deconditioning. This aspect can indicate unconditional love and inspiring your partner, however, it can also indicate that the Juno person has illusions about the Neptune person. Venus in Pisces and Venus in hard aspect to Neptune is similar. You can come to clarity in many ways by this dialoguing with the sea of the Immune System. Encompassing, touching into, knowing all of the travels and expressions of yourself that may have been. Venus Neptune Seeks Substance - What Do You Really Need? It is so damn difficult to distinguish my own feelings and what do others put on me. Neptune square Neptune is one of the "biggies" in terms of transits (slow-going and a long transit). LYNN: The transiting Neptune in Pisces entered my 7th House in 2013 and it is still in my 7th House in 2020. Please note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our website and the services we offer. You have Neptune in Libra, the sign that rules the 7th house which exacerbates your situation. My chart info is: DOB 3/27/1981 born at 1:41am in Chapel Hill, NC (Orange County). You will not be very assertive at protecting your own interests, so you might attract people who take advantage of your vulnerability. Relationships are thrown under the spotlight and often start under peculiar circumstances. In 2007-2008, Neptune was opposing my 12th House Mercury. That is exactly so. Thanks for that extra paragraph, Jamie. Transit Neptune Conjunct Ascendant, Personalized Astrology reports and In the Sagittarius cycle, I had a full range and variety of active friends. I had added another paragraph at the ned, similar to the natal aspect. You have trouble seeing where your partner ends and you begin. This article is included in the Planet Combinations astrology eBook. This article is included in the Planet Combinations astrology eBook. We, Orion, invite you to explore with us another view, some new ideas on that wonderful element within you, the Immune System. Then, just as I felt that my feet were firmly planted on the ground, another lesson came regarding sharing my space with others. He needs to concentrate on what he needs to do in preparation of the transplant, which will hopefully take place over the next couple of months. Other people get washed away. One does not need to only be struggling with a condition or an injury to the physical to want to engage in a dialogue with the guardian of the body. Thanks for taking the time to respond. A partner introduces you to a spiritual path. The fantasy of love. When I said these words she began to breath deeply through her heart. In addition, when it gets past your Desc it will conjunct your Jupiter and square your natal Neptune. Neptune Sextile Ascendant Transit. Neptune Conjunct Neptune Transit - AstroTransits When Pluto conjuncts an angle, there is often an intense pull to the other. With regard to retirement, I have observed that, when a client is at retirement age, strong Neptune transits can trigger their retirement. The influence of the 2nd House starts about 5-6 degrees before that cusp (using Placidus). It dances with your doubts. All of these questions need to be asked and often; for when you are working with changes in the body it is not a single thing. Regardless of the sign that Neptune is transiting, over the years, I have always observed this pattern of betrayal-disappointment-deception. The difference between an Empath and a Channel is that the channel most often is aware that they are receptive, that energy flows through channels, and usually the channel recognizes a distinction between the channel and the energy being channeled or received. My trip to Europe in November 1996 was very different from my previous trips. Neptune Conjunct Juno in Synastry. In Vienna, I met with Jindra and her friend, Martin, and I connected with an Austrian woman, Ingrid Petroff, who I had briefly met in Chicago. Endless understanding. If youre already a submissive person, you may now become the victim, even masochistic in some cases. The Neptune transit brought their vulnerability to a crisis point whereby they started to protect themselves. My own technique, essential because of my 12th House Mercury, is this: I practice by talking to myself, rehearsing something that I need to tell another. But do consider that these events do not call upon you to judge, to turn away from, to dislike yourself, your actions, choices or outcomes. I experienced panic attacks. This is the power of astrologythe power to transform how we view our circumstances and our suffering. 3 People with weight problems often had an intrusive parent who did not respect the childs need for privacy, the childs boundaries a mother who interferes freely into the childs life, reads diaries, listens to telephone conversations, excessive checking up on child or making decisions for child; a father who is too physically intrusive, unnecessary displays of improper affection. In two weeks Neptune will be opposing my ASC while Pluto is entering my 5th house and conjuncting my Sun and trining my ASC. Posts: 61 From: USA Registered: May 2012: . If you are lonely and have low self-esteem or depression you must be especially careful not to have your heart broken by a lowlife with eyes on your house and savings. Chameleon. Then because you have this perspective, you will start to see and comprehend your own actions, and how energy comes to you and you will find the mechanisms, devices, the structures that will help you work with your selves. Pluto more destroys and tears things apart psychologically. Looking to apply for phd. Anyway, I would be interested to hear your thoughts. How can we work? The change was necessary and I did feel ungrounded as my furniture and bed were in the yard. Wish my icon didnt look so angry. The Empath also must come to understand that they must set up structures for the body to work most effectively and in balance. The body may follow certain patterns. The day I sat down to write it up, transiting Pluto was exactly conjunct the South Node, within half a degree of the IC. Her life has been very different from the one that she would have lived if she had remained in Hungary. To cope with the changes and the feeling of isolation, she reconnected with places that offered friendship, fellowship and connectedness in her old neighborhood. That transit was a hard one but it taught me that there are times you dont get to be sure about anything. Not every Neptune transit operates this way, especially if you are having Uranus or Pluto transits at the same time. Now she could be openly proud of what I was doing. I am sharing my experience regarding the transit of Neptune so that others may understand their own Neptune transits. A nutritionist can help with the appropriate probiotics but Argentyn 23 is recommended by many holistic doctors to keep off bad overgrowth. Theres always more fish in the sea. Acceptance can lead the way to change. You want a fairy tale wedding. Someone approached her and offered her a good job. Yet, I have always felt that astrology saved my life. Brainstorm: Neptune/Pluto Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between Neptune and Pluto. That should read my Progressed Neptune transiting the DSC. You may feel in danger of losing your sense of who you really are, what your limitations are, even what your direction is. Neptune-Ascendant Aspects In The Natal Chart - Tea & Rosemary You fall in love with a poet. Friends, colleagues, neighbors, or siblings have an increased level of influence in your lifeeven to the point that you can be blind to think they're anything other than blameless. But, I was tired of doing it alone. Astrolada | login I will question to learn more but I understand there may be a harmony here I cannot see. The Immune System will then work against this cell and at the same time can reduce the strength of the physical body. The Descendant sits on the cusp of the 7th house opposite the Ascendant and represents partnerships (both in business and marriage) and what we look for in other people, most . An individual on the transpersonal path should realize in what way a present occurrence is an effect of the past, and at the same time, understand the purpose of the event in generating power to move ahead in the process of transformation. How well you handle this depends on how comfortable you are with exploring the supernatural or spiritual realm. Lymph congestion is always involved with edema. They could no longer be contained by the magazines limited format. I felt that I had a very tenuous grasp on reality. One person worshiping, the other being worshiped. Your old viewpoint erodes. Are we dancing with the fear of another time, of another life? Although it may take more than one attempt, you can have a normal loving relationship with this aspect. Are you a heartless corporate drone? TESTIMONIALS ON NEPTUNE TRANSITING THE 7TH HOUSE: When Neptune transited my 7th house and, during this time period, I lost my ex-husband/best friend, a guy that I almost married back in the 70s, my grandmother, nephew committed suicide, and my boss currently in need of a liver transplant, sister developed cancer and went through chemo, good friend developed cancer and going through chemo, so I have had death and serious illness all around me. I agree with you but I would take this a lot further. Having that large vision, having an acceptance that your variation, your stress, your physical struggles may be in some place of harmony with the whole of your life, may give you the foundation to change those situations or change how you experience and live with those situation or come into a deeper, clearer knowingness of what you are exploring and what you are expressing. Neptune Transits The Crises of Disconnectedness - Lynn Koiner I know the Savior/look for a Savior would be part of it. Opening to the spirit - Neptune transiting the Angles Transiting Pluto conjunct the Descendant | Astrologers' Community Any relationships that remain should be those that help you free yourself and enrich your inner spirit. It is vital that when you come to recognize yourself as an Empath, and then let yourselves fully understand this element of your being. In its higher manifestations, Neptune opposite Ascendant transit can bring your soul mate and a spiritually enlightened romance. Mars is sextile? The Immune System is part of you. Is a part of me remembering what happened to Grandfather? What Jane is sharing in her personal observations is the positive influences of the Aquarian energies as they assisted all of us in dissolving rigid boundaries yet creating new, flexible boundaries that support each individual. When Neptune crossed her ASC, she began meditating and this opened her up to all kinds of negative entities. Another client is being sued by a former employer because she quit and is starting her own business (she is a licensed practitioner and was only contract for the former employer and there wasnt a non-compete in place, and she is not taking information from the former employer). The challenge of this transit is to be able to see through the debris, and the cloud cover they may create to tint our reality at any given time. However, during that transit, I began working on cruise ships giving lectures. However, you can also find yourself mentally lazy and passive, finding it hard to concentrate on mundane matters. In extreme cases, this can lead to degenerative diseases. It is natally in square to that point from the 9th so the transit was difficult for me. I have never partnered, I have never been able to completely trust my perceptions or go with my gut (a quincunx between my Sun and Moon doesnt help). These one-of-a-lifetime encounters can mean a turning point . The partners problems continually erode your foundation. This was also a deception/betrayal situation that always comes under hard aspects1to Neptune. If you feel disconnected from reality, if you experience panic attacks, if you feel the familiar is strangely unfamiliar at the same time, if you are afraid, you are probably not crazy but rather experiencing the influence of Neptune. MOUNTAIN PRIDE (FES): When there is vacillation, withdrawal in the face of challenge, a lack of assertiveness, this remedy stimulates forthright masculine energy, bestowing a warrior-like spirituality which confronts and transforms. The eclipse falls on my descendant, also conjunct natal virgo sun and mercury. Low normal is not normal! If you are such a person, you are likely to be a born mystic. In its higher manifestations, Neptune opposite Ascendant transit can bring your soul mate and a spiritually enlightened romance. I am currently pregnant with my pumpkin baby due this Halloween. Trying again now. Neptune was washing her eyes and heart clean. When the Moon squared my Moon, my last surviving aunt passed away, followed by my cousin. There is a business connection in my life now that has made me feel very alienated, that I do not belong here in my home. And yet Im completely unconcerned by this (at least right now, lol, sometimes it freaks me out). Transit Neptune in Astrology - The Dark Pixie Astrology Things are working out, but there have been times since the first of the year that I wanted to just throw in the towel., At the same time, I was seeing that, on one hand, I was getting clients and partnerships who had major issues dealing with reality/illusion, and giving me the opportunity to evaluate for myself what is real/unreal. Amazingly, she was able to float into another job. According to my friend, Astrid, Bach works on the physical body and FES works on the emotions. It dances with the beliefs of your own life, of your societys life. CLEMATIS(Bach): Mechthild Scheffer recommends Clematis for people who are wanderers between the worlds. I do not care what the lesson is but I want to learn it today. I take 2 capsules every day. Having a partner whose standing in the relationship is never truly recognized by society or your family. Even when a friend considered purchasing the house across the street, I was excited about having this friend as a close neighbor, something that would have disturbed me greatly a few years ago, before the Transformation a point in which the old Lynn died and the new Lynn began to emerge. It is essential that these are obtained by foods throughout the day and by using time-released supplements. I have a 13 degree Pisces (reportedly always ill fated) on my 7th and experience bizarre, (co) dependent and criminal situations with people. In your chart, if Neptune is well aspected will indicate a great inner sensitivity, to manifest . You learn to work with the Empath energy by first, recognizing it and then consciously addressing and questioning it. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. Neptune, too, is the search for the dream. 1512), Nowhere else could Beth find this type of understanding except through astrology. Transiting Neptune was opposing my 11th House Saturn. going with the flow is easier said than done. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings.

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neptune conjunct descendant transit