Alfey liked to look at model homes, so they decided to stop by an open house that was located at 13810 Redberry St. in Moreno Valley, California. It was Patricias hair no question. How do you explain her not telling the truth to the authorities about the gun and its flaw of only able to shoot once and then jamming up. WebIn burst a group of men and women with their guns drawn. This information was never revealed to Rorrers defence. I didnt read anything in this article that convinced me I didnt like that the lab had a bad rep and I do agree the police lie and frame people sometimes so I cant say 100% she did it or not. Go somewhere else where your asserted expertise will be professionally tested and you wont be so frustrated and insulting about those who disagree (with your expertise and opinion). I would like to tell you that there is many errors in this article, that I would love to send to you the proof of each one. She is 100% guilty seen 2 programs on this awful murder and read about it as well. You can PM me please, this way you can update your article with the correct information. So you see, MY STATE OF MIND is based on factual information. Shes being well taken care of.. She was wrongfully convicted.. Testimony from Walter Blalock contradicted Patricias claim that she never had a gun. Theyre just not willing to investigate/research as to the truth. This article is little more than fiction. But hang on You ask that I show care with my wording and show all the tolerance in the world, and by that you presumably mean I should simply ignore those who villify her in the most disgraceful way, probably in the opinion that all readers of their comments will agree, and no one is going to take offence! Another witness, Walter Traupman, who never testified, had told state troopers that on the day of Joanns disappearance, he saw a couple who looked like Joann and Andrew arguing about the paternity of a baby. Nataly Keomoungkhoun, Engagement/Breaking News reporter. The Egyptian-born taxicab driver was sought on capital murder charges since the New Years Day 2008 shootings of his two daughters, Sarah Yaser Said, 17, and Amina Yaser Said, 18, which have been described as honor killings.. If you can tear yourself away from your obsessive mentality, you can see what virtually amounts to the tampering to which I referred. Joanne didnt go missing until December 15, an entire week and a day later. No show. Does it actually have to be an obligatory duty for anyone to be present at a trial before they are able to have an opinion? You took my family all in one night," she said. There are a number of issues in the case, Kelley said in a letter to his associate, Christopher Darden, including the competency of counsel, prosecutorial misconduct and, of course, compelling legal error by the court.. Ive heard she gets to go out to LUNCH and this broad is in prison for murdering her husband Russ Stager? Patricia Lynne Rorrer made for a good suspect. A knife and the clothing worn by the victim potentially had all of the answers that would have led to the real murderer, but that evidence was destroyed by the LAPD. The sisters, who were students at Lewisville High School, were found dead in their fathers taxi in Irving. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Patricia Kopta Had Been Missing Since 1992. She Was Found in neither her nor there couldnt be linked to her. For goodness sake, it was never proved at her trial she used the gun the police so steadfastly offered as evidence or for that matter, ANY OTHER GUN. They broke up in 1993. According to William G. Kelley, director of the Law Offices of the Orange County Associate Defender, Patricia did not receive a fair trial. At the time of the killings, police said that there had been domestic problems in the family and that they were exploring all possible motives for the slayings. I had five children to take care of and it was costing me so much money to travel two hours John If you feel it so necessary to post a comment, please at least try to keep it original, because theres nothing sensible with your juvenile attempt using my words. Do you realize that Patricia was only found and arrested more than six months after the murder? And I have absolutely no sympathy. Patricia Kopta left behind a husband and siblings and meandered through northern Puerto Rico for a while before she was taken as a person in need to the adult At the trial, prosecutor Michael McIntyre alleged that Patricia remained obsessed with Andrew Katrinak long after their breakup despite testimony that shed had many boyfriends and live-in lovers to occupy her bandwidth. She had had numerous run-ins with the police and, each time, would tell them to be ready because the end of the world was coming. ST. JOHNSBURY A three-year nightmare for the loved ones of Melissa Jenkins is one step closer to ending. Yes, that doesnt mean shes unquestionably guilty, but it does mean her case has been relatively exhaustively examined (and its not over) and it means that your assertion that you are right and the guilty camp are wrong (and that this should be obvious) is absurdly overplayed. Id wanna be done with that shite quick too.. meh what do I know! Youre right about my comments on other sites, but those seem to have an abundance of hate-mongers who feel no need to mince their words hence my retorts to those. Nataly is the lead writer on Curious Texas and a breaking news reporter. Said Guilty DNA also doesnt lie. Said Pat is locked in a cage because shes an animal. Gail Gattrell, the sisters great-aunt, described the deaths as an honor killing which are often carried about by a relative who believes a woman went against conservative Islamic values on love or marriage. But I suppose you havent a clue about that. Prosecutors offered Patricia a plea deal that would take the death penalty off the table, but she declined. Beautifully said Cliff! Clive Swift: Keeping Up Appearances star dies Tommy Lynn Sells admitted to killing a 9-10 old boy in Indiana I think and the mom Julie (cant remember her last name) was jailed mainly due to the ex-husband (father of her son) testified and said things that werent true. Yaser Said was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the murder of his two daughters Amina and Sarah Said in 2008. He wanted to move to Colorado and she was against it.. I would bet MONEY that the first baby born to Patricia didnt die of SIDS. There is way too much doubt in this case for my comfort. I would suggest you take the time to read the book or, at least watch the documentaries which STICK TO THE FACTS, and then comment. It's been a long three years for them.". And this was never disclosed to Rorrers Defence. Patricia had a violent past and was absolutely positively the killer. And shes were so happy. Irelands husband buried it in the yard because he didnt feel comfortable with a firearm inside, she said. After researching this case more thoroughly, I stand corrected about the time it took the jury to return a verdict. She just stayed in touch with everybody, Kathy Barber said in her interview on NBCs Murder in Lehigh Valley: Keith Morrison Reports in 2017. No explanation given. Strands of the accuseds dyed-blond hair at two crime scenes proved it. It wasnt aimed at any one video producer. Mark and Patricia McCloskey Plus, two men, her babys father and his friend, testified they saw Patricia at the line-dancing club the night of the homicide. The couple was not allowed to have contact during court proceedings. Said's defense attorney said he will be filing a notice to appeal. And then in their zealous efforts to show their ire, feel the need to suggest anyone who supports her is deluded.. Yeah, no. Not gender neutral. Remember, killers have the advantage over investigators. I didnt believe it. You say by definition! Marsicovetere cited studies done by several doctors during pretrial proceedings, saying that they determined Patricia Prue suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and might suffer from dissociative identity disorder as well. The only record of a call from Patricia to the Katrinak household was on 12/7/94. Her mother was married to my uncle. This FBI report, of the hairs being unable to yield a DNA result because of the absent root material, was never revealed to Rorrers defence. Jerry Browns office, because of Wrights Three Strikes sentence of life without possibility of parole (LWOP), she does not qualify for medical parole. So where they alive somewhere, and if so how could of Patricia, who was questioned, with not one mark on her kill them? Some two years into the investigation of Rorrer, a court order was obtained to remove hair specimens from her. (Disclaimer: Im not a big fan of eyewitnesses who come forward years after the fact, but its possible). The Riverside County public defender stated that the court may reduce her first two offences to misdemeanors because they are classified as wobblers. Wobbler refers to a criminal offense that can be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony. You, however seem to have no problem with these hurtful and damaging comments aimed at Rorrer. Strands of the accuseds dyed-blond hair at two crime scenes proved it. Pal stays true. Yes, documentaries probably do misrepresent evidence, and many may respond to that misrepresentation, but beneath that is jury judgment, and while courts can be wrong they are usually right. j} [gut('bIKL|kY4`a;]MQ p2x $kw. Before receiving her final sentence, Patricia Prue, 35, of Waterford addressed the court saying that her biggest regret was not seeking help for her mental health issues earlier. Four months after Joanns disappearance, farmer Paul Kovalchik reported seeing what at first looked like a pile of clothes on his land in Heidelberg Township woods, about 15 miles from the Katrinaks house. And the obvious answer is not as you claim. This woman was obsessed and jealous. And last but not least, the fact that Michael McIntyre comes across as mentally unstable. I would think if she would have an passed they definitely wouldve started looking somewhere else but there was just too much evidence against her anyway so.. and with forensics the way they are today. Why would it be an irony for a person to express his opinion? But Im sure that was just a coincidence LOL. Its nine minutes into the video. The trial was taking so much of my time. It then makes light of the fact that the car in which the (incriminating) hairs were found was absent of any blood. 5 years prior to all this happening! I have not SEEN this report that says no root found is there a picture of it online somewhere? Meanwhile, the case of the missing mother and baby turned into colossal news across the U.S. and internationally. Did you personally attend the trial? Patricia and Mark McCloskey, the St. Louis homeowners who pointed guns at protesters, pleaded not guilty Wednesday to weapons and evidence tampering charges. "I suggest that it stands for a moment in time where people actually take a moment to take a serious look at how we allocate our resources to social services. If not, how could Andrew have obtained samples of Patricias hair if they apparently didnt meet up in person after Andrews marriage? My biggest issue is the day the phone call came in, and the fact that the prosecutor deliberately misrepresented the facts. Nine. In a surprise move, Said testified on Monday. . So the issue that he was picking up men in downtown Los Angeles was irrelevant to the case although that couldve been a lead to the killer. Addressing Patricia Prue, Judge Robert Bent said the sentence of life without parole was "fitting" since she was a full participant in the crime. In a million years, she wouldnt do anything to harm that.. So, lets take your response one step at a time. Patricia Stevie J Further to my previous comment, I should add the following. Contact Elizabeth Murray at 651-4835 or Wow. Its nothing short of a feeble stab hoping to impress but really amounts to splitting hairs, or to put it another way, hot air with no substance. "The one thing I am guilty of is bringing the person who committed this crime to Vermont, and for that, I'm truly sorry" Allen Prue said in an apparent reference to his wife during his December sentencing. Dont even think about arguing with me until they DNA test that hair and the broken fingernail found on her body; Ill just laugh at you. Its definitely getting rougher every day, Andrew told the Morning Call. In summer, after thawing, there will be small animals eating the body and even turkey vultures, but not so much in the winter. Clifford Freeman, were you a juror? Prosecutors said the Prues planned the March 2012 crime: Patricia Prue's computer had been used to conduct online searches for "how to kidnap a girl," the Prues acquired a stun gun, and they bought a prepaid cellphone to call Jenkins to ask for help. The woman who was showing the home alleged that Patricia was involved in the theft. He had worked as a semi-pro boxer in Las Vegas in his youth and later settled into his own construction business. His favorite rattle, shaped like a phone, lay near the crime scene. A Pittsburgh-area woman missing for over 30 years and declared legally dead several years ago has been found alive in Puerto Rico, authorities in Pennsylvania said on Thursday. ALL IT THEN BECOMES IS A SOURCE OF INACCURACIES AND SPECULATION, WHICH ONLY SERVES TO BOLSTER THOSE WITH THAT MENTALITY AND PERPETUATE THE LACK OF TRUTH. She failed miserably to convince me, or anyone else who mattered, of her innocence. And then in their zealous efforts to show their ire, feel the need to suggest anyone who supports her is deluded. Jenkins' family left the courtroom without comment on Friday, but they hugged each other once the sentence was ordered. Todays arrest of their father, Yaser Said brings us closer to ensuring justice is served on their behalf.. As I stated previously, if she cannot speak for herself, Im happy to step up on her behalf. When police traveled to North Carolina to interview Patricia about the murders of Joann and Alex, she said that on the day of the homicides, she had visited a feed store, a tanning salon, and a country music club. The womans whereabouts were relayed to law enforcement in Ross Township last year, Deputy Chief Brian Kohlhepp said. After 30 minutes Id be calling someone! More likely it reflects a relative reluctance to execute females as well as the pendency of what will be the last episode of DNA investigation. What a lame article. Its a video on Utube Judges For Justice featuring her case. Any subsequent proof emerging and then revealed in a book or documentary is surely something that should be taken seriously and investigated if necessary. And its argued that it has been and dismissed as insignificant or irrelevant. Andy did end up moving to Colorado with her and the last time I checked, they were still together.

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