How much a business receives will be calculated according to the rateable value of the business premises on the date that restrictions are imposed and will also depend upon the length of time a business is required to remain closed. Account and Property Reference as shown on your bill. If we require additional evidence, we will e-mail you and provide you with a date by which the evidence must be submitted. PLEASE NOTE, applications will be assessed on first come first served basis, we expect demand to be greater than the funding available. Any person who wishes to invite or accept bookings for private hire journeys from an address within Sefton is required by law to hold a licence issued by Sefton Council. Search. Level 1 payment - 667 for 1 complete period or 1334 for 2 complete periods, Level 2 payment - 1000 for 1 complete period or 2000 for 2 complete periods, Level 3 payment - 1500 for 1 complete period or 3000 for 2 complete periods. Sefton Council do not retain any lost property but if you are having difficulty getting items returned then please get in touch by using the online form in how to complain about a Sefton taxi and we may be able to help. Your bill could be reduced by up to 100%. The . What you get depends on: where you live - each council runs its own scheme. The current byelaws relating to hackney carriages state that property should be taken to a Police Station within 48 hours. Businesses occupying hereditaments appearing on the local rating list with a rateable value over 15,000 and less than 51,000 on 1 April 2021 will receive a payment of 4,000. A full list of exemptions can be found on the government website but includes: Businesses and venues which can remain open. Rationale for requesting an accountants letter. Seftons licensed black cab and private hire drivers are set to receive a cash boost after losing income due to Covid-19. Every contract will have its own unique characteristics and therefore the relief available will vary case by case, but some examples could be as follows: Please note that the Sefton Council is itself experiencing staffing issues due to isolation and school closures and cannot guarantee a response time to any enquiries but we will therefore aim to achieve this support to the best of its ability. Since launching the fund, we have received a wide range of questions from local businesses when they apply. You must have held a licence for at least 12 months, 2 other documents from either Group 1 or Group 2 (as described for a, A full list of all the addresses you have lived at in the last 5 years without any gaps, Details of your doctor. We will, however, be required to complete some pre-payment checks to confirm that businesses remain eligible for the further payment. Disabled Facilities Grant | The Sefton Directory If you are contacting us for an update on your application, we advise businesses not to call or email us unless you think you have made an error on your original application. To apply for a new licence, applicants must contact the Council Taxi Licensing Team by email to book an appointment at a Sefton One Stop Shop, where you are required to bring: If your application is successful and the name you wish to use does not resemble another then you will be issued with a licence and a copy of the Private Hire Operator's Conditions. Where a business, eligible for the closed cash cap, also occupies properties which do not meet the criteria for the closed cash cap, and the value of the discount on the closed properties is less than 2 million, then they may also claim the discount on other eligible properties, but only up to the cap of 105,000, in respect of those other eligible properties. A business whose rate bill from 1 July 2021 onwards on properties eligible for the closed cash cap is 1 million and also occupies other eligible properties with a rates bill of 3 million is able to claim up to 1,105,000 in discount from 1 July 2021 onwards (i.e. Places are strictlylimited to 15 (max. The Council will use the following criteria to assess whether a business is eligible for a grant under this threshold: For these purposes of this scheme the definition of a hospitality business excludes: An indicative list of the types of businesses that can be supported under this scheme is shown below. Please consult the checklist at the bottom of this page. Taxi Driver Complaint Form - To combat inner-city traffic-related pollution, we are developing a Clean Air Plan that must consider the introduction of a Clean Air Zone charge for higher polluting vehicles. As part of its offer, Living Well Sefton manages the Community Resilience Grant which is awarded to local community groups and individuals for projects aimed at supporting people to improve their health and wellbeing. See how coronavirus is impacting your neighbourhood by entering your postcode below: We know this fund can only make a small contribution but wanted to make this available as a gesture of support for a sector that has been hit hard without adequate Government support.. The total cost, 400,000, will be covered by Liverpool City Region funding. Businesses that are in administration, insolvent or where a striking-off notice has been made, are not eligible for funding under this scheme. However, the total cash value of that discount must not exceed: -, No business can, in any circumstances, exceed the 2 million cash cap across all of their properties in England. Businesses that offer exercise classes or activities, which may mandate space and no masks etc. You will be required to keep records of every journey and are responsible for ensuring that the journeys booked are completed. Drivers who are eligible will receive a letter sent to their home address containing details of how to access the grant. In response to the variety of business restrictions that are currently impacting upon the Liverpools hospitality and leisure businesses, Sefton Council, in conjunction with our neighbouring local authorities and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority are launching the Liverpool City Region Hospitality and Leisure Support Grant. The 48-year-old was jailed for life with a minimum term of 26 years. CARF is a relief awarded at the discretion of the Council. Businesses that have already applied for, and received grant payments, due to closure during the Tier 3 restrictions imposed on 14 October 2020 do not need to re-apply. In other words the person/applicant . A decision as to whether you are eligible for this relief will not be made until after 31 August 2022. your . TheSME Digital Growth Peer Networkprogrammestarts on Thursday 10thMarch 2022. banks, building societies, cash points, bureau de change, payday lenders, betting shops, pawn brokers), Other services (e.g. To ensure that you are notified of any future business grant funding, please subscribe to the InvestSefton mailing list by emailing your business details to ask to be added to the mailing list. Sefton Council has ensured a dedicated team will be on hand to support all applicants through the claims process. If we require this evidence, we will request it from you before we can confirm payment. We will use the following criteria to assess whether a business is eligible for a grant under this threshold: Types of eligible non-essential retail businesses: For these purposes of the Restart Grant the definition of a non-essential retail business should exclude businesses as listed below. This fund is to. Businesses that provide accommodation for short-term leisure and holiday purposes. Achieve the Vocationally Related Qualification in Transporting Passengers by Taxi & Private Hire (VRQ) (New Applicants). The window for applications is now closed, it closed at 5pm on Friday 10 December. The Government has provided Sefton Council (and other neighbouring Local Authorities in the Liverpool City Region) with further Additional Restrictions Grant payments (ARG3). Extensions to time of delivery where justifiable. Fees to become a Sefton taxi driver set for BIG changes At a meeting today, Sefton Council agreed a Council Tax rise of 2.99%, which will mean an extra 66p per week for Band A properties and an additional 88p weekly for properties in Band C. Resilient Afterwards, Sefton Council Leader Cllr Ian Maher said: "Thanks to careful management, the Council's finances remain resilient despite a [] Each applicant must demonstrate that their business or charity has been severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and must provide evidence to support this. Grant payments are split into three levels: If you do not occupy a business premises and subject to Business Rates you are not eligible to apply retrospective adjustments to the Rating List are to be ignored for the purposes of determining a grant. We will use the following criteria to assess whether a business is eligible for a grant under this threshold: Types of eligible hospitality businesses: For these purposes, the definition of a hospitality retail business excludes: For the purposes of this scheme, a leisure business is defined as a business that provides opportunities, experiences and facilities, in particular for culture, recreation, entertainment, celebratory events and days and nights out. The Government has determined a deadline of 31 March 2022 for all payments to be issued. New tax regulations come into force on 4th April 2022, From 4th April 2022 you must complete a tax check to renew a taxi, private hire, taxi operator or scrap metal licence, or to apply for the same type of licence with a different licensing authority. Are places of worship (except organisations trading within these settings). Businesses subject to National Lockdown Restrictions (from 5 January 2021 to 15 February 2021), To reduce social contact as a result of COVID-19, regulations require some businesses to close and impose restrictions on how some businesses provide goods and services. Please also note that if you are waiting to arrange an appointment then a member of the OSS will contact you on a blocked/withheld/caller unknown number. Councils urged to consult taxi driver database - You will then be notified when the renewed licence and plates are ready for collection. Prague Taxi - Prices and Useful Tips for Taxis in Prague - Welcome Pickups However, where the primary purpose of the business is a gym, sports, and fitness then they are not eligible for this grant. Grant income received by a business is taxable. The company's business plan has just. We recommend that you use Chrome, Edge or Internet Explorer. If you have already submitted an application then check your reference to find your position on the list below. The United Kingdom remains bound by its international commitments, including subsidy obligations set out in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) with the EU. The Hospitality, Leisure and Retail Grant (Expanded Scheme) is being administrated by a small team within Sefton Council. Please note that grants will not be disbursed on a first come first served basis. Businesses that are not within the ratings system will not be eligible to receive funding under this scheme. Grant income received by a business is taxable. A Small or Micro business as described under the Companies Act 2006: A Small Business must satisfy two or more of the following requirements in a year: Turnover not more than 10.2 million; Balance sheet total of not more than 5.1 million; Staff headcount of not more than 50. Grants will be awarded as a one-off payment paid by BACS bank transfer. From today (Monday, November 30) over 4,000 taxi drivers licensed in Sefton, and who live in the Liverpool City Region, will each be eligible for a 100 support grant. Current Government guidance indicates that businesses may have to provide evidence of their eligibility for this payment by providing a copy of their accounts from prior to 11 March 2020. Please ensure that you make it clear in the email subject line what the enquiry relates to and include any applicable expiry/renewal date (eg. Businesses that may assume particular public safety responsibilities. Call us Antrec: 01388 436262. Businesses that deliver in-person holistic, beauty and hair treatments. The Council does not have any discretion over the deadlines imposed by the Government. The online application form portal can be accessed using Chrome or Edge browsers. We also appreciate that some suppliers may struggle to fully meet their full contractual obligations, and that we may need to alter our requirements, temporarily suspend some services, or change ways of working to do what is necessary for our community. phone: +420 844 700 800 or + 420 261 31 41 51; Dimo Taxi . You can only apply for one grant per business. 2,000,000 for businesses that were instructed to close on 5 January 2021 due to the imposition of COVID19 lockdown restrictions. Businesses that have already received the 100% discount for 2020/21 will have the relief extended until 30 June 2021 and the reduced discount of 66% from 1 July 2021 to 31 March 2022 automatically applied. This will vary depending on licence type and length. Payments after 6 April 2022 will fall into the 2022/2023 tax year. UBL has commenced proceedings against the Council under Part 8 of the Civil Procedure Rules seeking the following declaration from the High Court:In order to operate lawfully under Part II Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, a licensed operator who accepts a booking from a passenger is required to enter as principal into a contractual obligation with the passenger to provide the journey which is the subject of the booking. More than 4,000 drivers will be eligible for a 100 support grant from today (November 30). Council Tax Council tax is a tax set by local government. Contact the council - Sefton Applicants who do not have an accountant may wish to approach one via a professional accountancy organisation or simply by searching on the internet. Some trading indicators are included below that can help assess what can be defined as trading for the purposes of the grant schemes. Threshold definitions for the purposes of this scheme are restated below: Hospitality definition: a business whose main function is to provide a venue for the consumption and sale of food and drink, Leisure definition: a business that provides opportunities, experiences, and facilities, in particular for culture, recreation, entertainment, celebratory events, days and nights out, betting and gaming. Payments made to businesses before 5 April 2021 will fall into the 2020/21 tax year. Proof of loss of income due to COVID19 Omicron variant. We will not be able to chase individual businesses for supporting information if it is not included in the original application. All businesses must be based in the Liverpool city region and have been trading on or before 31 October 2020. Please note that the Licensing Office is open for pre-arranged appointments only. The information that will be requested in the form will include the following: Businesses may be requested to provide evidence in support of the application including evidence loss of turnover. PDF Name TEST Date - Businesses that were likely to have been required to cease their retail operation in the January 2021 lockdown. Businesses required to remain closed (from 16 February 2021 to 31 March 2021), Businesses that were instructed to close on 5 January 2021 will be eligible for a further support payment in the form of a Local Restrictions Support Grant for a period of 44 days as follows:-. Businesses that are not in occupation (or are in intermittent occupation) in the 2021/22 financial year, Businesses who have already received the maximum permitted subsidy allowances, Businesses that are in administration, insolvent or where a striking-off notice has been made. Free membership to the Digital Growth Alumni events. Businesses will may be required to make a declaration. Businesses that may operate with irregular hours through day, night and weekends. Those businesses that have applied for the Local Restrictions Support Grant as a result of Tier 3 restrictions do not need to re-apply for grants they are eligible for during National Lockdown restrictions. You also need to be over the age of 21 and pass a DBS check. Places are strictly limited to 15. Applicants for New Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Driver licences should download and complete the New Driver Application form. Undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service check; Pass the handbook-based Knowledge Test (Not needed for horse omnibus or pedicab driver licence) Knowledge Tests cannot be booked until 4 weeks have passed since the initial application; Pass a British Driving Society test of competence with horse drawn vehicles (horse omnibus only); Produce a satisfactory Medical Certification from their own registered GP or a GP with access to their medical records (We have adopted the DVLA Group II medical standard). To apply for a new licence, applicants must contact the Council Taxi Licensing Team byemailand notify us that you wish to apply for a licence. When the extended window for applications opens on 29 November 2021, applicants will be asked to provide information and documents to support their grant application. Any business or ratepayer falsifying their records, providing false evidence to gain this grant, including claiming support above the subsidy thresholds, who falsely applies for grant support, or provides false information or makes false representation in order to gain financial support may be guilty of fraud under the Fraud Act 2006 and may be subject to prosecution. Tools and support to understand the impact and direction technology has on your business now and how to identify areas for positive change. Sefton Council is currently distributing over 400,000 in grant funding to support taxi drivers who have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Theapplication processtakes less than 2 minutes. Reduced trade If we require further information from you, we will request it via the e-mail provided on the original application. Details on the type and size of wheelchairs that are covered is also contained in the guidance. The list of businesses and venues required to close includes: Some of these businesses and places will also be permitted to be open for a small number of exempt activities. Depending upon when the application is received some recipients may receive both elements in a single payment as follows: Soft Play Centres for the Period (24 October 2020 to 4 November 2020). These venues can continue to be able to operate click-and-collect (where goods are pre-ordered and collected off the premises) and delivery services. Taxi drivers in Sefton can apply for 100 Covid Support Grant from Business that were mandated to close during national lockdown restrictions will be considered to have been trading provided all other eligibility criteria are met. The grant value that an eligible business receives will depend on the number of eligible applications the Local Authority receives and the relative scores of those applications. The Government has provided Councils with guidance to provide a discretionary discount scheme for nurseries. If we have reason to believe that the information that we hold about the ratepayer is inaccurate we will withhold the grant and take reasonable steps to identify the correct ratepayer. Sefton Council (5,701 drivers), Newcastle City Council (4,576), and Liverpool City Council (3,360) all carried out zero searches and made no entries. This will include copies of accounts prior to the start of the pandemic in March 2020, and at least one years accounts in a subsequent year. Peer-to-peer learning and support in a cohort of 15 business leaders from non-competing businesses. You may encounter problems using the 'Safari web browser. The Government has provided Sefton Council (and other neighbouring Local Authorities in the Liverpool City Region) with further Additional Restrictions Grant payments (ARG3). Additional Restrictions Support Grant . Antrec: 01388 436262 . Redeployment of capacity into other areas of Council needs. More detail of potential awards can be found in the policy document. Those payments will be: For the period 2 December 2020 to 29 December 2020. The level of support available to businesses differs according to the restrictions imposed. In November 2020, the Government announced additional Covid 19 grants to support local businesses, the Local Restrictions Support Grant (Open) and the Additional Restrictions Grant. Supplier relief is currently available up to the end of June 2020, and this may be extended further at a later date if we are advised of this by Government. If you are applying to be a new Sefton Taxi Driver, contact the Council Taxi Licensing Team by email to arrange an appointment. Sefton Council is urging local business rates payers in the in the hospitality and leisure sectors to apply for the next round of the Government's Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant scheme. Types of eligible gym & sport businesses: For these purposes, the definition of a gym & sport business excludes: For the purposes of this scheme, a personal care business is defined as a business which provides a service, treatment or activity for the purposes of personal beauty, hair, grooming, body care and aesthetics, and wellbeing. It is expected that payments will be made before Christmas. Leader of Wirral Council, Seftons Public Health Annual Report supports 30 Days of Sefton in Mind, Sefton landlord ordered to pay back money after operating premises without a licence, Council finalising testing arrangements to help detect and contain coronavirus variant, Council welcomes prosecution of unlicensed Southport dog kennels, Sefton urged to keep safe and well during cold snap, Appeal for Witnesses After Road Traffic Collision in Bootle, Sefton backs Keep Britain Tidys million-mile mission to clean up the country. It is now the responsibility of private hire operators to deal with enquiries regarding lost property left in vehicles. Full details are available on the government website but includes: The NHS and medical services remain open, including: Businesses subject to Tier 3 Local Restrictions (from 31 December 2020 to 4 January 2021). Eligible businesses will receive grants of up to 6,000 per hereditament. Contact council - select the council which you would like to apply to for your taxi driver licence and contact them to find out . Have a look on our or call us on 0345 140 0845. Failure to provide satisfactory evidence will result in a refused application with no right of appeal. d) Businesses in any sector that can demonstrate a loss of at least 40% in sales/revenue due to Covid-19 (including self-employed / sole trader / home-based businesses). We will endeavour to process applications within. How do I report an issue about a Sefton taxi? Here's your Liverpool morning digest as Luis Diaz continues his recovery in training and what will Roberto Firmino's last act be? The business is engaged in business activity; managing accounts, preparing for reopening, planning and implementing COVID-safe measures. The Hospitality, Leisure and Retail Grants (Expanded Scheme) will be open for applications that meet the eligibility criteria from11am on Monday 30 November 2020 and close at 5pm on Friday 11 December 2020.

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sefton council taxi grant