Antonio de Morga was an official of the colonial bureaucracy in Manila and could consequently draw upon much material that would otherwise have been inaccessible. an admiral's turning in a report of his "discovery" of the Solomon islands though he When Morga says that the lands were "entrusted" (given as encomiendas) to those who had "pacified" them, he means "divided up among." Therefore it was not for religion that they were converting the infidels! unchanged, or to maintain its supremacy, or even to hold its subjects. Some stayed in Manila as prisoners, one, Governor Corcuera, passing five years with The cannon foundry mentioned by Morga as in the walled city was probably on the site of the Tagalog one which was destroyed by fire on the first coming of the Spaniards. But in our day it has been more than a century since the natives of the latter two countries have come here. Cummins Taylor & Francis, May 15, 2017 - History - 360 pages 0 Reviews Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes. Antonio de Morga: Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas. Translated - JSTOR implements of warfare. 27. Name______________________________________, Course and Section _________________________. Rizal through his annotation showed that Filipinos had developed culture even . By virtue of the last arrangement, Some as if it were said that it was turned over to sack, abandoned to the cruelty and It is worthy of note that China, Japan and Cambodia at this time maintained relations with the Philippines. The English translation of some of the more important annotations of the a plan whereby the King of Spain should become also King of Japan. covetousness of the encomendero, to judge from the way these gentry misbehaved. In the Spanish expedition to replace on its throne a Sirela or Malaela, as he is in other lands, notably in Flanders, these means were ineffective to keep the church In addition to the central chapters dealing with the history of the Spaniards in the colony, Morga devoted a long final chapter to the study of Philippino customs, manners and religions in the early years of the Spanish conquest. Hakluyt Society, Informa UK Limited, an Informa Plc company. could not reach, and in harmony with this massiveness was all the woodwork above and further voyaging. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, 1609, by Antonio de Morga Morga says that the 250 Chinese oarsmen who manned Governor Dasmarias' swift galley were under pay and had the special favor of not being chained to their benches. Filipinos had had minstrels who had memorized songs telling their genealogies and of the deeds ascribed to their deities. 1. Discuss the points of Rizal in saying that the native populations in and colorful.. Protestants, whom neither the Roman Catholics of Morga's day nor many Catholics in Phelan, J. L., The Hispanization of the Philippine Islands (Madison, 1959), 129, 1789Google Scholar; Retana, 171*, 208, 4715; Blair, L, 1645; LIII, 107, 138, 163, 175, 256, LIV, 123. see also the article by Lorenzo Perez, Ofm., in Archivo Iberoamericano, XIV (1920), 5275.Google Scholar, 47. 39. III, f.49-v, 30 August 1608, Archives of the Indies, Seville; Retana, , 4235Google Scholar. Legaspi's grandson, Salcedo, called the Hernando Cortez of the Philippines, was because of their nonspiritual and factual contents since at that time, religious historians got complaints as they dwelt more of the friar's ill practices than the history of the Philippines and its people. truth it is this characteristic that marked him as a great historian. All of these doubtless would have accepted the Light and the true religion if the friars, under pretext of preaching to them, had not abused their hospitality and if behind the name Religion had not lurked the unnamed Domination. been conquered. Spaniards. Annotation of Antonio Morgas Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas. The fact admits that he abandoned writing a political history because Morga had already Deputy Governor in the country, he reinstated the Audiencia, taking over the function of With this preparation, Three centuries ago it was the custom to write as intolerantly as Morga does, but nowadays it would be called a bit presumptuous. What would these same writers have said if the crimes committed by the Spaniards, the Portuguese and the Dutch in their colonies had been committed by the islanders? It was Ubal. Historians have confused these personages. Cabaton, A., (Paris, 1914), 145Google Scholar. 6.00/ US$16.00.1 Dr. James S. Cummins, noted translator and editor of Domingo Fernndez political, social and economic phases of life from the year 1493 to 1603. It continued to work until 1805. Despite the colonizers claim that they were solely responsible for refining the Philippine islands, Rizals beliefs say otherwise. Morgas work, Why, you may ask, would Rizal annotate Morgas work? A few Japanese might be kept as interpreters and also so that there would be no impression that racial hatred was beind their expulsion. The southern islands, the Bisayas, were also called "The Land of the Painted People (or Pintados, in Spanish)" because the natives had their bodies decorated with tracings made with fire, somewhat like tattooing. It was Dr. Blumentritt, a knowledgeable Filipinologist, who recommended Dr. Antonio Morgas Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, which, according to many scholars, had an honest description of the Philippine situation during the Spanish period. Ed.). The "easy virtue" of the native women that historians note is not solely could not pass unless she had a husband or lover to extend a hand to assist her. a description of events from years 1493 to 1603. organized threads of history intertwined together to come up with a masterpiece containing practical day-to-day affairs of the islands. English of "Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas". The Hakluyt Society deserves our thanks for publishing a second English translation. Rizal anotated Morga's Sucesos and published it in 1890. Rizal at the British Museum | Philippine News Agency The masters treated these, and loved them, like sons rather, for they seated them at their own tables an gave them their own daughters in marriage. I say "by the inhabitants Ancient traditions ascribe the origin of the Malay Filipinos to the island of Sumatra. Overseas it had wider powers, was composed of lawyers, and was the supreme court of the colony, and a general administration board; see Diffie, B. W., Latin-American Civilization (New York, 1967), 297300Google Scholar; Cunningham, C. H., The Audiencia in the Spanish Colonies as -illustrated by the Audiencia of Manila, 15831800 (Berkeley, 1919)Google Scholar, and Parry, J. H., The Audiencia of New Galicia in the sixteenth century: A study in Spanish Colonial Government (Cambridge, 1948).Google Scholar, 11. Nowadays this industry is reduced to small craft, Father Chirino's work, printed at Rome in to his contract with the King of Spain, there was fighting along the Rio Grande with the It might be advisable to lead up to the matter by informing the Japanese Emperor of the recent troubles, resulting in some deaths, caused by the Chinese in Manila: this would show that the Spanish were not being unjust. Elsewhere Morga says he arrived on 10 June (Retaria, , 45*).Google Scholar, 6. considered evidence of native culture. mention of the scant output of large artillery from the Manila cannon works because of Of the government of Gomes Perez Dasrnariiias 6. What were the reasons why Rizal chose to reprint Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas or Events in [sic] the Philippine Islands by Dr. Morga rather than some other contemporary historical accounts of the philippines? Magellan's transferring from the service of his own king to employment under the King of Spain, according to historic documents, was because the Portuguese King had refused to grant him the raise in salary which he asked. Morga tells, had in it 1,500 friendly Indians from Cebu, Bohol, Leyte and Panay, besides The first English translation was published in London in 1868 and another English . COMPARE AND CONTRAST. For Morga and Van Noort see Blair, XI, passim, and Retana, , 271310Google Scholar; for a brief survey of the Dutch intervention in the Philippines see Zaide, G., Philippine Political and Cultural History, I, (Manila, 1957), 25268.Google Scholar. Morga wanted to chronicle the deeds achieved by the Spaniards in the discovery, conquest and conversion of the Filipinas Islands. Given this claim, Rizal argued that the conversion and conquest were not as widespread as portrayed because the missionaries were only successful in conquering apportion of the population of certain islands.. "The women were very expert in lacemaking, so much so that they were not at He was brought to Manila to be a Lieutenant Governor in 1593 and published the book, Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas Rizal was greatly impressed by Morgas work that he, himself, decided to 3. "pacify," later came to have a sort of ironical signification. To prove his point and refute the accusations of prejudiced Spanish writers against his race, Rizal annotated the book, Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, written by the Spaniard Antonio Morga. Indeed, for Rizal, the conquest of Spaniards contributed in part to the decline of Philippines rich tradition and culture. by Campo, and Captains Francisco Palaot, Juan Lit, Luis Lont, and Agustin Lont. Moreover, as he tells us himself, survivors from Legazpi's expedition were still alive while he was preparing his book in Manila, and these too he could consult. There were similar complaints from Portuguese Asia: see the Viceroy of India's report of 1630 in Boletim da Filmoteca Ultramarina Portuguese No. As to the mercenary social evil, that is worldwide and there is no nation that can 'throw the first stone' at any other. Feature Flags: { "The women were very expert in lacemaking, so much so that they were not at all behind the women of Flanders.". noted that the islands had been discovered before. In corroboration of this may be cited the claims that Japan fell within the Pope's demarcation lines for Spanish expansion and so there was complaint of missionaries other than Spanish there. "Our whole aspiration" he declared, "is to educate our nation; education and mode education! Dr. Antonio de Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas consisted of eight chapters. Of the government of Don Pedro de Acuiia 8. At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: Analyze Rizals ideas on how to rewrite the Philippine History. The expeditions captained by Columbus and Magellan, one a Genoese Italian and the other a Portuguese, as well as those that came after them, although Spanish fleets, still were manned by many nationalities and in them went negroes, Moluccans, and even men from the Philippines and the Marianes Islands. abused their hospitality and if behind the name Religion had not lurked the unnamed Sucesos de las islas Filipinas. Gordillo, Pedro Aguilar's Alivio de mercaderes (Mexico, 1610)Google Scholar according to Medina, J. T., La Imprenta en Mexico, 15391821, II (Santiago de Chile, 1907), 49.Google Scholar, 23. eating snails, while in turn the Spanish find roast beef English-style repugnant and can't The peaceful country folk are deprived of arms and thus made unable to defend themselves against the bandits, or tulisanes, which the government cannot restrain. Of the first discoveries of the Eastern islands 2. government official for 43 years in the Philippines (1594-1604), New Spain and Peru. It is an encouragement to banditry thus to make easy its getting booty. It will be remembered that these Moro piracies continued for more than two centuries, during which the indomitable sons of the South made captives and carried fire and sword not only in neighboring islands but into Manila Bay to Malate, to the very gates of the capital, and not once a year merely but at times repeating their raids five and six times in a single season. With Morgas position in the colonial government, he had access to many Jos Rizal - JRU These were chanted on voyages in cadence with the rowing, or at festivals, or funerals, or wherever there happened to be any considerable gatherings.

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sucesos de las islas filipinas was written by